5.3 Known Issues

i think it’s a bug or something. my guild was not queued too





We won’t change it to be exclusive to the Guild Leader. The option should be there to delegate the task if the Leader is absent for any reason. Queueing is optional because not every Guild participates in every War, every time. Sometimes, members’ circumstances and commitments outside the game prevent active War participation, so we give players the chance to sit out Wars as they choose.

Our data does track who makes changes to the War queue- just submit a support ticket and we can answer any questions you may have.


There is no mention of how much energy this Energize gives, game gets confused and it only gives 5 energy per basic attack.

Also, this triggers with 2 debuffs. The wording is wrong.


Are you scheduled for a war now? I know there was a delay in scheduling new opponents today, though I don’t know how long it lasted; by the time my lunch break was over my guild still didn’t have an opponent, but we have one now.


The skill point button jumping around that was previously listed as a fix in a recent update has not in fact been fixed, it still happens


A lot of heroes got their stat increased due to Emerald rank, but Goofy still only gain 30 tenacity with his blue skill

Is there any mistake here or did you guys just forget about him @Samm

Could you guys increase it pls?


A small visual bug I saw today in Guild War mode.
The enemies seem to be misplaced, all standing in the backline. At the end of the entrance, all non-backline characters become invisible for the player (there was also Ariel in the team, she worked just as intended. Mulan also disappeared for her entrance attack and later worked as usual).

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@Samm why do so many heroes have 3/4 spots in campaign where others only have 2 spots makes it really difficult to farm chips for them. Can the team please look into making it more even

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Is anyone having issues getting on the game?


I am. I was able to open it up earlier, but when I tried checking into the guild page or going to things like surge or city watch, I got stuck at a loading screen. I tried turning the phone off and on, and opening the game again, but now I can’t get past the title screen.

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Same thing happened to me


@Samm @Polaris any update


I can’t access the game either. I have a 24 hour vip level 5 consumable on and right now is being wasted because I can’t get into the game.

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As Miss Piggy would say, Moi!
No seriously, can’t get past the title screen either, it only says “Reconnecting”, and gets stuck.

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They won’t respond since it’s the weekend and they aren’t active on the weekend

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Well, ain’t that a kick in the britches.

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I’ve noticed that happening with the Delayed Entry (snail) sabotage. Can you check that attack and see if most or all the heroes had that sabotage applied?


Are we getting the weekly invasion rewards or not ? Because I’m not able to collect them through the screen @TheGrillFather


Got the game working now.

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