5.3 Known Issues

Only one out of 15.




Yeah, that bug is gonna be with us until the day the game shuts down.


An with 0 compensation for the lost gold :frowning:
It seems to happen more regularly now too


with over 200 heroes now in game, it is definitely harder to keep track of the heroes we favour/use over the ones we donā€™t. It would be great to introduce a ā€˜favouriteā€™ system, where we could favourite certain heroes by clicking on a star or another shape in the top right hand corner of the heroā€™ picture and have the ā€˜favouritesā€™ option in the drop down tag amongst ā€˜rankā€™ ā€˜levelā€™ etc, thus making it far easier to sort through the heroes we actually use and want to upgrade. War teams are most important to a lot of people, and a lot of players favourite/prioritise upgrading those heroes first, so to be able to separate them from the other heroes to see what needs upgrading on them would be highly beneficial to everyone.

Furthermore, having a ā€˜red skillā€™ option in the same drop down menu would be great too. With so many heroes, again, itā€™s hard to remember whoā€™s red skill is maxed and whoā€™s isnā€™t, so be able to sort them like we can sort ā€˜rankā€™ and ā€˜levelā€™ etc would make it a lot easier to see whoā€™s red skill needs upgrading and whoā€™s is maxed.


OK, we HAVE to fix them.

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Fix whatā€¦?

Simba? He has many counters.


Anna needs looked atā€¦ sheā€™s now using her basic attack and ice sword at complete random. Trying to do a friend campaign with her and sheā€™s all over the board. Sometimes she starts with a basic attack, sometimes itā€™s ice sword. Or spams ice sword, then randomly does 3-5 basic attacks, then back to ice sword. Very clearly abnormalā€¦

Fozzie still broken too.

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Same with Hercules and Pegasus.


Wish crate is badā€¦ ok?

But drops giving nothing?


How is this possible?

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Have any other guilds been having trouble with the ā€œweakestā€ surge districts being far, far stronger than the guildsā€™ weakest members? A few days ago our districts 24 through 27 went from the 300M-30M range to all being over 700M, or higher than the total power of eight of our members. Iā€™m wondering if this is an isolated incident or if other guilds have seen the same thing happen.

@Samm I have sent a support ticket about this, but if you have the time to let the team know about this as well Iā€™d greatly appreciate it; Iā€™m frustrated that several of my members are effectively locked out of Creep Surge.


Unfortunately this happens regularly, due to how creep surge generates the power of opponents
Every rank exponentially increases powerā€¦

Best thing to do would be to hire mercenaries, if the mercenary cost was not so absurdly highā€¦

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Because PB have apparently completely lost any interest in actually balancing anything, powercreep is becoming more rampant and leaving those who canā€™t keep up behind. Simple as


I donā€™t think thatā€™s sufficient to explain how district 27 in my guild went from ~30M power to ~700M power overnight, though.


Iā€™ve asked the team to take a look and see if itā€™s from a bug. Weā€™ve also made some progress on more of the scrolling issues :tada:



When this fix will be released to players?

(And by this you mean in all/most places, like deals, skills, stat screen?)


IsnĀ“t this some account below R0, TL 135?

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ItĀ“s not a bug per se, but the scaling of lower districts should really be scaled to lowest guildmates.

I meanā€¦ there are 27 surge districts and usually 48-50 guild members. So the 27th should have the same team power as the lowest two guildmatesā€¦
Ideally, even like 0.7x of them, so they can clear it.


Something is going haywire with the %s on spars

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