5.5 Known Issues

Ah, Surge. Another broken segment of the game…:pensive:


At this point, which isn’t :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: we have the same boring rule in Challenger league month after month after month…

If they think Challenger league is too much, just get rid of it. The rewards are outdated anyway


Still can’t change Emerald subclasses. I change it, then eventually (usually in Arena or the Megavirus Trial) I see a message that stat slots have changed for the character, and when I go check the subclass has returned to the default.


It would seem they want people to not play any of these game modes.
Why else would they just use the same rules over and over and have the rewards as next to nothing? :thinking:


Game is running slow and abu crashes the game making war pretty much impossible…nevermind the other PvP modes.


If skill points fill up in 1h, and a player is away from the game for 6h due to work or school or sleep, when they get back they have 1h worth of skill points.

If skill points fill up in 7h, and a player is away from the game for 6h due to work or school or sleep, when they get back they have 6h worth of skill points.

If you think that skill point regeneration needs to be faster, fine, argue for that all you want; I think I’d agree with you, though I suspect we aren’t too far off from a workable rate. But saying the skill point cap needs to be set so that it’s always full in one hour just makes it less useful for people who want to, or are only able to, check on the game 2-3 times per day.


@Samm Why was Elastigirl’s name changed??? :thinking:


Aaaand the trials are impossible. Not because they’re hard, but they seem to crash regardless of what I do.

@Samm I know this has been reported a lot already, but we really can’t wait for the next update for this fix, it’s too gamebreaking. Heck it’s not even just Abu, the unity trial doesn’t have him.


@Samm @TheGrillFather @Polaris @Brick These crashes are crippling the game. This war’s battle phase starts in two hours; is it going to be decided based on whose attacks crash the least?

I notice with Abu the crash happens as soon as he dives in to the opposing team to steal their buffs. I don’t know what’s going on with the other crashes, though.

Obviously we can’t expect an instant hotfix or a definite timetable for one, and I don’t want to distract the devs from working on the problem(s), but could we at least get a quick acknowledgment that it’s being worked on, and at the highest possible priority?

EDIT: Is there anything we, as players, can do to help pinpoint and resolve this issue (or, gulp, these issues) ASAP?


The crashing bug needs a quick fix ASAP. We can’t do anything in game. If your goal is to drive away players, then congratulations, you have done a wonderful job @samm

I feel your pain. The minute I get to 3rd wave of team trial, boom, I’m out

Oh and 1 more horrible thing. We haven’t seen Kuzco. When is he visible? His prize wall starts tomorrow :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


In this wave, crash game 3 times

I believe the main reason is related to the new Patch Talents


Hello @Samm, the situation with crashes over several game instances is so severe, that I would suggest to roll back the update and do some serious debugging before rolling out again.
On 2 different servers the guild chat conversations revolve around which heroes not to use in different game modes.
I’m sorry, but since game release in May 2018 the situation after an update was never so bad. It is just astounding.


I’m seeing speculation that the crashes are exclusive to Android (and, presumably, Amazon) players. Can any Apple users confirm that they’re having problems with the game crashing?


Em qualquer fase de luta do jogo ele automaticamente fecha o jogo e crashing tudo…

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Still no response, no solution…nothing from Perblue…and here we are, can actually do nothing in game…crash happens in every aspects of the game but apparently it is fine @samm :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


I just want to get the Patch 4 Essence from Trials @Samm… but with the refreshes I can´t.

So I guess after the crashes (or if?) are fixed, a compensation is necessary.


Also, Samm, why can’t the team just tie the Buy More Stamina and Free Stamina to Team Level of a Player?

Formulas for consideration:

Free Stamina given (3 times a day): TL^2, equals 395 x 395 = 156,025 stamina
Buy More Stamina: 10 x TL x √TL, equals 10 x 395 x √395 = 78,505 stamina
Stamina Regeneration: TL^2 / 10000, equals 15.6 stamina every second
Stamina Regeneration Cap: 8.64 x TL^2, equals 8.64 x 156,025 = 1,348,056 stamina (or 1.35M, equivalent of 1 day of regeneration)
Hard Cap (for Buy More Stamina): 8.64^2 x TL^2, equals 11,647,203 stamina (or 11.65M)

11.65M stamina itself is “only” a bit below 200,000 stamina consumables… yet there were deals that had 3M premium stamina for $19.99.

Please just reduce the nonsensical reliance on deals. Marginal advantage is ok, but a crucial one is not ok. Not in this type of the game.


Ich habe auch den Verdacht und habe zumindest im VIP Chat gelesen, dass Apple Nutzer keine Probleme habe. Im Kollosseum könnte ich beobachten, dass einige Mitspieler deutlich Punkte im Laufe des Tages gemacht habe, was ja die Theorie bestätigen würde, das einige Leute problemlos spielen können…mega nervig in jeglicher Hinsicht


The game crashes even when I play in coliseum please fix it immediately!

The game crashes also when you use Sally!


We are aware of the frequency of the crashes throughout the game and are working to get a fix out as soon as possible.

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