5.5 Known Issues

Thank ya samm


I see and thanks for answering Samm :-).

In regards to the crashes I haven’t so far experienced from what I can tell.
I am on IOS/iPad AIr 2/3 . (Same account save, not sharing with others just personally multitask between).

And yeah, thanks for trying to do so many Quality of Life changes lately Samm/PerBlue, really appreciate it ^^.
Really feels like you at PerBlue/Disney have been listening to us players lately and actually tried to improve our experience in Disney Heroes. Thanks Samm/PerBlue :-).


Thanks. I realize that seems like something that should go without saying, but it’s still helpful to see it from y’all.


While the aim of PB seems to be $$$$ and not fixing anything this is why I still suggest people need to not buy every deal they can and just play normally. People can actually get better at the game without spending a lot of money. I didn’t know but I was actually getting 38 heroes to yellow and not 28. I do also have every character and their red skill though. People say that it’s no longer a free to play game and that now it’s pay to play but that’s because nobody has tried playing without paying for something often.

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Salamat (Thank you), @Samm !

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It is possible to play Disney Heroes without paying real money, however it does mean you have to be really smart and efficient with your resources, as well as knowing how to efficiently grind.

I am a VIP 0 player that’s Y28-ish Badge Rank wise for 10-15 characters, which is only possible for me thanks to the Badge Booster Crates.

The reason why I still play Disney Heroes is probably the badge Booster Crates :-).

Do you Dustin_JC know how to do the Badge Booster Crates so that they only give you Yellow Badges if you only need Yellow Badges?

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I do mean that people who spend a lot can try spending less or nothing at all just to correct what I originally said to make it clear


I don’t know how to get specific things from the badge booster crates but I check for free stamina every day and I get far doing that, I’m at yellow 14 with a few at yellow 17.

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Игра вылетает, я теряю ресурсы в эпидемии, так как не могу пройти его, начинаю бой и игра вылетает. и теряю место во вторжении, колизей и арене. Любой бой вылет игры🥲

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I see and yeah, if you want to read up on how to do the Badge Booster Crates I recommend reading here:

If you have more questions feel free on how to get the most out of the Badge Booster Crates feel free to ask me :-).

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Well, that’s not true at all. I play this game from 2 years without paying and I’m still here, at Max Level. But, on the other side, I only have 6/7 yellow heroes, and only one is at Yellow+4.

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Friday, like Always!

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Tomorrow is prize wall.

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Depends how much you were roughly paying.

Most whales are long gone because… this, really:

Anybody thinks this is fun after paying a lot each month, for real?


I still play it even if I spend of don’t spend

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@Samm The fruitful revenge doesn’t seem to be working against Pegasus… I tried facing a team with him in it and Pooh in my team and Pooh died but Pegasus did not die!

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So Kuzco PW is up but I can’t access him to look at his skills @Samm!


Only on Android devices?

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Ohh! Thankee. Thankee. That’s what we all wanted. Just do it this instant and hurry up already. We don’t know how long until those crashes disappear.

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They’ll need to change it back.

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