5.9 Known Issues

Thank you again for taking time to explain this. I did get it the first time. My point is:

  • Meg dies and applies buff - this is two steps, while Tron doing his single white skill thing. There is a sequence, I get that, and Tron for some reason gets priority over anyone else - I get it too (however, with Baymax in your team and opponent team it is a different sequence, yours will freeze first). My point that it is a bug because he applies white skill and removes current buffs, then Meg reacts, then he should not remove additional triggered buff as this is outside his sequence already. Why not letting him remove all buffs till the end of the round then with that single cast? :slight_smile:
  • Hardy was designed to block debuffs. Removing buff is a debuff, so I’d expect him to consume one hardy stack and not all of them. Otherwise it is again different how other heroes work with this mechanic.

I am not trying to say Tron is the main issue like Eda right now; there are ways to fight him, mostly with multiple hex and other debuffs. I do have maxed Tron and used him before they broke it - just saying this is not working same way as it is for many other heroes that still work ok and not creating balancing issues.

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Hi, just wanted to ask, is it possible to get any e6 badges from the badge booster create at all?

Also, now I often see how fight is literally flowing with one hero casting non-stop and others just watch this doing nothing. It happens a lot with Kuzco, he is visible, slow debuffs are not that high to freeze everyone but he keeps casting for like 30-40 secs. And it happens with other heroes too. It seems that they get damage or do damage that fills their white so many times that they keep casting; but again that sequence does not make sense - why would someone cast their white 5,10,50 times while others just wait with their white ready?
It was not like that a year ago (or 1.5), there was a change around Abu I think when this started happening.


Nope, people complained about this earlier in this topic

Thing is it’s not
Debuffs are negative status effects. Removing buffs removes positive status effects but doesn’t apply any negative ones


The skill is broken, obviously. It’s been broken for about the last month. Previously, everything worked as written.

Which one? Baymax’s?

As written above, the character to whom Megara was attached dies at the same time as Megara. Even if the opponent does not have someone who removes buffs.

Then no it behaves the same as always. Tron just went from low damage to completely broken damage

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Ok, lets consider Tron’s removal of the buff as non negative effect. Why Dante is not affected by that? I’ve seen so many times when Dante goes invincible, Tron casts - and guess what? Nothing is removed. But I’ve seen Meg link dying without Tron, too, and it is instant.

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Ok this one is fun. Coli fight, I kill Eda - but lose the fight. And I get it, she kills me with the reflect - but if something is reflected didn’t she receive it first?

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Because it directly says that Dante is immune to disables in his Purple Skill. This means that Tron trying to remove his buffs with his White Skill does nothing to Dante
he’s immune to it, and Tron is dealt damage because of the Invincibility. That’s why.

Ok, so what Tron does is a disable? Did not we agree it is not a negative effect? Or is disable is not negative effect?

Disable is a negative effect. Literally under the filter “-Effects”, Remove Buffs is there. So it counts, otherwise Dante wouldn’t be able to keep his Invincibility when Tron uses his White Skill.

Ok I am confused now. Two different persons saying the opposite (and IMO Tron’s white is a debuff\dosable\negative effect).
But the question is still - if it is a disable, shall it consume hardy stack then?

Thanks for taking time to answer this guys. I feel completely confused after returning to this game after a while. Sorry

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Yes, it would consume Hardy stacks on enemies if they have Hardy while Tron uses his White Skill. At least, I thought so.

Tron’s white skill is not a disable, or debuff, or anything of the sort. Enemy Hardy stacks are not consumed, they are removed because they are buffs, and the skill removes buffs.

Dante’s invincibility isn’t considered a buff, hence Tron can’t remove it.

Unless PB have fixed it, for some reason Tron’s white skill is actually considered a damage projectile đŸ€·


Are you actually working on it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Probably not but who knows.

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They still didn’t label the Merge Trials. It should’ve said “Merge Trial 1” and “Merge Trial 2”. Still needs to be fixed.

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