5.9 Known Issues

When Emerald+7 comes every badge crate gotten since the cap raise will drop Emerald+6 badges.


Yes…but I will face the exact same cost issues at each successive level… unless I literally come up with 500+ badge crates between every cap raise I will steadily fall further and further behind the curve. I’m currently the strongest player in a top 30 guild on S1… fully half of my guild are actively talking about quitting for the first time in forever (thanks Anna) … every one of them has 3 to 5 years in the game and it’s both the spenders and the F2P that are thinking of leaving. Biggest new category in chat is what game they could shift to and keep playing and spending together. The clock is ticking and it doesn’t sound like @grillfather has a lot of time to moderate this impact before they begin leaving en mass…


But will anyone hear it before the alarm goes off?


We are investigating this, however it’s a buggy system unfortunately. We’re working on it though!

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immediately stops opening wish crates lol


If it will be in fact fixed. Like ever. :eyes:


Isn’t it just the same issue badge crates used to have?


Коли вже нарешті запрацює почтовий ящик. Не отримала нагороду вже за 2 змагання. І за кожен день( арена і Колізей).((((

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No, there’s some weird stuff going on with wish crates; because of the way they’re set up to allow a custom hero choice, their entire drop table is not like the others.


Everyone, who spends at this game - why don’t you have gentleman agreement between guilds in the server to avoid spending for a month, if you don’t quit? PerBlue does not understand your feedback, but they do understand the value of money. Even though community manager is trying to be nice and calm and caring - in the end players drive that game. It won’t die, but we will see another set if merges just because of servers losing tons of players. Someone in their strategic team does not understand that even though more players means more resources to invest from server and support standpoint, more p2w players pop up. Doing everything from scratch like they did with patch updates - very fun, can’t wait on doing that! Better than any new mode you could invest into… I do understand that performance is the official excuse - however it looks really poor because you increase cost in return, its NOT just replacing crafting part. And overall, I feel like there was either no testing or very little testing happening before each release starting with Zeus release (and the more content you publish the bigger snowball is). It used to be not so buggy and problematic when i started playing from almost day1 of this game. It feels like really raw product now, that requires testing and fixes before you release something to the public! Its embarrassing how poor the quality of the releases are.

But since this is known issues topic- here is the good old one travelling across the versions for quite some time. If you play vs new Tron, your Meg link does not matter - her linked hero just dies same moment as Meg, even though it says she grants 7 secs invincibility from the disk. Tenacity drop u can say? But there is literally 0.0 sec of invincibility, try on non quick mode to see yourself. Even if you use Baymax to freeze and grant buffs, everyone dies before anything happens on the battlefield. B for Balance! :joy:

My team:
Meg->Kuzco, Bagheera, Baymax, timon & pumbaa (or any other backline or midlane hero)
Opponent team:
Tron, Joy, Sher khan, Eda, Rose

If you need to know the disks just open any challenger arena div 3 and up. :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh I can explain this one

Tron’s white skill removes buffs after doing the damage. So if the attack kills Meg and triggers her disk, it also instantly removes the invincibility from it since the removal happens like a frame after Meg dies

So in short Tron wasn’t ever intended to be able to just oneshot anyone at the start. Balance issue, not a bug :sweat_smile:


Bug with Hero Spotlight -

If you use your own version of the Spotlight hero, they still get removed from your lineup when you come to spar again.

This should be the behaviour only for the Spotlight hero, not the same hero from your collection


This always happened by the way, ever since spotlights were introduced in 2019 pretty sure


Thank you - what puzzles me in that mechanic is that I have hardy stacks on a linked hero, also Baymax freeze won’t work at all. This literally happens before anyone does anything, so how could he just remove a buff that is being applied after he uses his white? His white results in buff trigger - so as removal of current buff, why would thing that happens next is cleaned too? I don’t get this mechanic.

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I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here but I’ll try to explain what I get anyway :sweat_smile:

Doesn’t affect Tron since it blocks debuffs, not buff removal. And Tron removes all buffs regardless of how many they are, so it doesn’t affect any count either

If it’s pvp, white skills pause the game. So he’ll be the only one to move until he’s done using it

This could happen for many reasons, hardy being one of them. Doesn’t affect Tron’s white skill

If you meant that he doesn’t freeze Tron, it’s both that Tron pauses him and that his white gives him hardy

It happens in this order

  • Tron does damage and Meg is defeated

  • This triggers Meg’s invincibility buff instantly

  • The buff removal happens after the damage, so also after the invincibility is applied

I hope this is clear


I did not know this was a thing.

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Also, funny how we are both trying to get Scar to Emerald today lol.

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That is my S25 acc. My main is on S1.

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Oh, nice. My main is Server 1 as well, my other accounts are pretty much dead.

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Maybe if heroes could still move while white skill was being used that would be great

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