6.1 Known Issues

after Jake, and Max Goof obviously.

Erm, sorry
 What? No one had Mother Gothel in his nor my team
how is it possible that I summoned the brothers?? (Sorry for the language, I couldn’t change it)

@Samm will perblue do anything to the people who exploited the challenger rules or are people just out of luck for the first week?

So uh @Samm, it’s now been a week and we still have last season’s patch trials apart from the unity trial. Are we just rolling with this or was something not specified in the patch notes? Would appreciate clarification on what’s going on here.

Clarification certainly would be nice, yes, on this and other outstanding issues. Would be a great way of engaging with their customers and building trust. Definitely a good idea.


At least you’re in challenger - I stopped playing for a month or two about the turn of this year and ended up demoted back into platinum. I’ve been in Platinum I for 3, 3.5 months now? There’s 76 players in my current league; 26 of us have a promotion timer. There’s one promotion slot that takes three days to promote somebody into challenger. It does not work well at all, especially with these regular challenges to win x number of battles with x hero that makes everybody hammer on each other and constantly changing up the ranks

The Arena Crate and and the Chip name are not the same

Dante is in the Arena Crate, not the battle pass hero.

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I was surprised by that as well, why McLeach out of all the current exclusives? There seems to be a lot of odd issues in the game recently

It was supposed to be Dante. PB hasn’t responded to us at all!

This top team is absolutely busted - almost all of us in the next 20 slots are at least double their power, most are triple or more. Nobody’s been able to knock them out of that promotion slot for over 12 hours. Between Jim’s broken revive and Joy having a very high red skill paired with Eda, let alone the other buffers there, I found I was just hitting a wall. Jim’s skill bug and the Joy/Eda combo really kinda need addressed PerBlue!
Is there any combo that might actually take that line down with the current bugs/issues involved?

There are a few ways, basically what you want to do is outlast Joy’s red and then use buff removers (which in most cases means you need to use Joy too or you’ll die before them).

Yzma (Ur) helps a bit too

Also that’s all Joy
 Eda by herself isn’t hard to kill, and Jim has a broken bug but it still doesn’t last the whole fight. Been saying this for months, that she needs a cap on her red skill asap :sweat_smile:


Makes sense, an Eda/Joy debuff line has beat the team in the meantime.

Eda still isn’t that easy to take down unless you’re running the right teams or have enough power advantage, in my experience at least.
I agree Jim is more annoying than anything right now.

Unclaimed Battle Pass Rewards older than McLeach got removed with Update 6.2 - @Samm where they go? Can they be restored?

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I’m wondering when we’ll get a 6.2 Issues thread to properly keep track of these issues

@TheGrillFather @Samm Another 6.2 issue:

Immediately after a war attack ends, the game crashes, although the result still registers properly. I’ve been seeing reports of a few attacks finishing without incident, but it does seem the overwhelming majority end with a crash.

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Since we still don’t have a 6.2 thread - the prize wall gave me the “post Vanellope to chat one time” quest even though I hadn’t done it. Tapping the claim resulted in an error message, but it still counted as completed and kept the reward tokens even after restarting the game. Probably no point fixing that one but noting it anyways.

I’ve noticed if someone sends me the Prize Wall hero in private chat, that triggers the quest, even though I only received the hero in chat. I guess that still counts as “sharing”

The game apparently decided to revoke it of its own accord - again offering it as claimable but before I could do anything it error-messaged of its own accord and changed it to unclaimed. No idea what’s going on there.

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