6.1 Known Issues

To add to the 6.2 issues, Badge Crates and Wish Crates seem to have gone missing entirely from the Prize Wall… :fearful:


Looks like there may be one (1) Wish Crate per stage, woo.

I’ve not been the type of player to say “this game stinks” or “if this isn’t changed I’m quitting”. But between the extreme increase in stamina costs and the drastic reduction in Badge Booster Crate and Wish Crate availability, I feel like the only way to stay even vaguely competitive going forward is to spend at least $20/month, and probably more like $40-50. If that’s the game PerBlue wants, fine, that’s their prerogative, but that’s well out of my budget for mobile gaming. I’ll go through the rest of my carefully-hoarded resources and ride things out for another month or two past that, but unless there’s a dramatic turnaround I can’t see how I’ll last until the end of the year.

Not tagging anyone from PerBlue because I’m sure I’m not worth a response anyway.


In 12 stages I got 13 wish crates but 0 badge crates.


Yeah the wish crates have stayed in limited capacity, but the badge boosters are no where to be seen.
Genuinely, there’s no real push for me to play this prize wall. 90% of the rewards are items I get just in normal gameplay. A couple cosmetic crates and a single wish crate I have to be lucky to hit. The most valuable resource on the prize wall has apparently been removed entirely. I’m not gonna push to unlock a funky-colored version of the character when basically everything I’m getting is just standard base game items.


I only saw 1 badge crate after 6 lv of prize wall :slightly_smiling_face: and what’s worse is that, it only offer 1, not 5 like it used to :slightly_smiling_face:

What is the point of playing this prize wall? For a costume so ugly that I will never use?

Guess who is greedy (again), huh?


I guess they saw people aren’t farming newer badges and assumed it’s because of badge crates - when in reality it’s just E6+ costs would need to be cut by 10 to even be reasonable. Badge crates just happen to be the only way to somewhat keep up.

I mean I’m literally in a top guild and half of my guildmates don’t even have fully maxed ranks…


That’s it, I’m f2p and with the badge boxes I managed to upload many of my characters to E7 but now they have removed them and I can’t upload any more due to the ridiculous cost of gold and exp.

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Yeah I ran across them finally too after hitting stage 9. Only getting one though is highly unfortunate. As others are saying, there’s a reason people are using badge boosters to bypass the high costs of the recent ranks, and cutting out badge booster crates isn’t exactly going to solve anything. When single badges are running well over a million stamina and close to a billion gold to craft, that’s kinda painful on the reserves.

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The moxt expensive one of E11 costs about 140M… which is something like 2 weeks of free stamina. For one badge.


Yuck. That’s roughly 13 times more stamina than my max stamina cap. The game economy just gets so bad once you get into emerald, especially by about E6. Sure there needs to be some challenge but costs are getting absurd.


@TheGrillFather @Samm return prize wall to how it was before! amount of badge crates and wish crates was reduced by a lot! This is so unfair.


Today’s patch trial - Luz single handedly stalling my 6 billion power Jungle Book team. Everyone else dies in like 2 seconds and Luz stalls the entire doggone rest of the wave. She’s Y15 patch 20. The fact she can hold out against that kind of opposing power is ludicrous!!! Determination really needs to be toned down.

The Early Access Trial is resetting even when I can’t do it. Is this supposed to happen?


I’m not sure if this a bug or not but I just about 21,000 Basil chips from opening up a Video Crate

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Yes, bc now is P2W

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rewards were improved yesterday, it was said on discord.

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I haven’t seen any hero chips from video crates since this comment was posted. so… :man_shrugging:

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Game seems to be a little haywire for me today - fighting completely invisible enemies is a first. That was in arena, loading screen error is from trials.

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I could not collect my surge gold yesterday

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