6*...why? Just why?

Too late. Game killer.


Retuuuurn the slaaaab… to 5 stars pls =3


Glad I’m not the only one that feels betrayed by this move.


To everyone waiting for a reply from Polaris, you gotta know he won’t have an answer for awhile. This kind of player response has to brought before the team and a carefully calculated response and decision made. I can’t remember what it was about a month ago there was a problem (I think it was the arena token mistake)
and people wanted a response, took them like 2 days to give a response. Unfortunately the door has been opened to 6 stars, I’ve seen several players on S2 with over 10 6 stars already, if they remove it, some of the biggest spenders will complain. If they say the will never be a 7 star now and 2 years later changed their minds, people will complain. I wish they would fix other issues the game had before doing this, but you can’t win it all, you could “complain with your wallets” but the bigger whales are already spending enough to cover for you. I have watched and can guarantee you S2 biggest whale had easily dropped over $50k on this grand, and that’s just 1 player on 1 server.


The games becoming more and more of a joke, I was complaining yesterday about not being able to beat the city watch on hard, now I’m complaining about not being able to beat it on easy! Over 300k power and I can’t beat an easy city watch! Perblue isn’t getting another penny out of me because they don’t care about what feedback we have to say, they just care about how much money they can make out of us! They don’t care about the level of fun the game has anymore just as long they have there rich kids spending money!!


I feel like one of the most common theme I see in these threads is “whales”. Do you really think high paying players wanted this? Do you think they want to keep forking out cash constantly to keep up? No.
Im in the current number 1 guild on s3 and most of the people in the guild are unhappy and complaining about this update. Many are thinking about quitting as am I. The 6th star is fun for absolutely no one. This was not a fun way to spend extra chips and most people who have 6 stars had excess chips or they are shop heroes.
This update is bad period. The power gap between players are widening way too much. I’m a top 50 player and I honestly dont plan on spending much more because this is ridiculous. I dont think I’ll be able to keep with way things are going. They push updates and levels caps way too fast. You almost only have time to grind for badges and nothing else. I barely do the elite campaign because it’s a waste at the amount of stamina it costs. They keep pushing all these terrible new consumable to try and get even more money and it doesnt seem like it will ever stop.

A “whale” who hates this update too


A business-, sure, but I downloaded a game. Not exactly what the reasoning in another star was/is. I don’t have the words. I do know that my vip levels are the same in this game and in my 3 yr old DragonSoul account- which I’m (at the very least) able to compete in both Challengers with. The gaps are much more noticeable in your new venture. PerBlue- I have lost all I had for you. I’ll go back to spending my occasional $ with GREEd, where at least I know i can still use only my skill to beat my opponent.


Also 5 stars look great whereas 6 stars is just idiotic. It doesn’t even look good nor does it makes sense. Perblue should take back this 6 stars thing. So frustrated


It might be because I am used to Kingdom Hearts Union X’s power jumps, but I personally don’t mind the 6 star raise, even if yes I would have preferred it to come later.

After interest dips and falling behind in overall power I no longer try to directly compete and be the very best to say.

I just play Disney Heroes to see the interactions between all the characters and getting an opportunity to have a somewhat official way to have conversations between characters from different series, and just have fun seeing how they interact together :-).

I also play because I like Disney Heroes strategical gameplay and have fun timing attacks/stuns to best win over the enemy, even if I also like setting the game on auto when grinding and like talk on Discord or checking gaming news while the battles play themselves :-).

So yeah, I say play for your own reasons if you want to play Disney Heroes ^^. Just wanted to bring in a positive view if okey and I hope you all can still enjoy Disney Heroes if still interested :-).


Just farmed Jack-Jack to 5 stars earlier, now I have to farm him again?


I was finally at a point where I felt I could be competitive with the top players with heroes somewhat close to maxed. I didn’t mind so much that updates were coming too quick (faster than the every 6 weeks they told us), and that it would take me 2-3 weeks to reach the new level cap and be competitive again. But this is just ridiculous. And if they couldn’t reverse the 300,000 arena coin debacle, i doubt they could reverse this even if they wanted too.

I had also just gotten to VIP 11 using free Tapjoy and Fyber offers, but I can’t do that to sustain diamonds anymore because there are never any new offers.

I’m afraid if nothing changes in the next few days, I will be done. They moved the goal posts too far this time. It’s a shame because i put in so much effort and had so much fun up until now.


Hey PB Developers,

Many players have stopped now since the update. I would have really liked it if you had the badges that you have too much to exchange for other badges.
Is this really 100% wanted by the developers with the 6 stars?
It really seems to me that you were not aware of what this brings with it consequences …
The game is not even 1 year old … have meanwhile 41 heroes we have to take care of … I was glad that I had many heroes so far with with everything. You invest a lot in this game … but you can not do that as fast as you can. The offers are very very often expensive! 50 € does not seem to be much with your developers as you can tell … you only get 1.5 million gold, 30x à 60 Stamina potions. the rest of it was not bad so I’m talking only about the two things.

The gap between the players will definitely be bigger now with the 6 * stars heroes update.

Please think of something to prevent this in any way!


I too want to quit the game. I am vip lvl 7 and now think this was a mistake. I liked the game earlier and wanted to up the ranks but I don’t think it is possible anymore. Biggie’s have got their 6 stars and I am here barely on 4 stars. This isn’t fun anymore and if this isn’t rolled back I will definitely quit. People are on 1 million power how are we gonna catch up like this. Those badges with over 300 bits just for 1 complete orange/purple badge is insane. Energy req is too high and drop rates are too low. Create some balance atleast.


Yeah, the problem here is clearly not whales or anything… is a just bad decision that hurts playability and interest in the game . -.


After giving a little more thought about this issue, yes the 6th star is still not a good idea since it broke the wall of an accomplishment of good work to max our heroes, just to find out we are not done afterall. But to give my honest opinion, it’s very tolerable, as long it stops at the 6*.
Stats increase shouldn’t be much different from when we levelled our 4* to 5*, what I mean is, the gap between.
It’s still a fact 6* will be the strongest overall, but with a good team composition, your 5* shouldn’t fall that easily.
I still stand with you all on the 6* discontent, but some players complaint about not getting other method for the extra chips, where we already had a short BUT good reliable source for them, the friendship missions to collect memories for the heroes disks. It was more than enough, or at least it was.
You asked for something and we got it. Not what you expected, but it’s here to stay.
Of course we all would love to get a small confirmation by perblue if this is indeed the final level.
Not to mention maybe check what needs to be balanced and not, in all the game modes. I think it kind does.


3rd person in my guild just quit—I think there could be a chain reaction and more could follow. Sweet update, devs

EDIT: Didn’t want to make a new post but we’re up to four high level players quitting the game from our guild. Honestly I’m thinking about it too, but I’m going to wait a few days to see if there’s any official response.


I wonder how many people will have to quit the game before they realize their mistake? In business it’s cheaper to keep current customers than it is to try and get new ones. this is much more true when there are so many angry customers leaving bad reviews everywhere, and an oversaturaed hyper competitive market.


so, instead of answer it u guys have marked the post as inapropriated. Ok. u won, I give up on the game. Good luck for those who stay. And seriously, @Polaris , TERRIBLE move on the devs.

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As I’ve said before, feedback is welcome, but swearing, inappropriate language, and harassment are not tolerated. The post was hidden due to inappropriate language, not the feedback you were providing.


I’m really not liking this addition to the game, especially since it was so suddenly released. I’ve been using chips in memory missions that I would have saved if I had known this was how they would be used. Additionally, having to start buying a ton of chips in shops is proving to be problematic point. I need those tokens to sabotage in war, to buy badges and to buy chips for every toon in there, as opposed to maybe 1. (I had actually 5 starred all the shop toons and was happily sabotaging and buying badges). I really hope you rethink this decision quickly.

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