A farewell to DHBM

That’s what I was asking when I put the question mark.



Well, I think @NCTzen_Haechan made it already. I’m on it, and so is @Champion_David and @Kinokan and maybe someone else I don’t remember. Do you already have the discord app?

No, what must I do?


@TheSpaghettiKing, I don’t have an account in Discord. I’m not familiar with gaming tools except Facebook linking. lol

You guys just need to download the app on whatever your using the forums on. I can’t add y’all till you make an account for it. Just pm me when you have made it.

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I know this thread is a bit old now but I just wanted to add this.


Why does that sound kinda depressing???


That’s because it is depressing. It was meant to be a heart-wrenching line, and it sure is.


Yep. It when Stitch is leaving because he realized that he’s causing so much trouble for Lilo and Nani. He also just saw the picture of Lilo’s parents who got in an accident before the film. So that’s a theory why Lilo takes pictures of people: to remember them. Like she remembers her parents and Stitch.

(Another theory is that she takes pics to mock the mainlanders since a deleted scene showed the mainlanders acting as if Hawaii and the residents were just for their amusement. And another theory is that her parent(s) were CIA agents (hence why Cobra is so nice and interested in them) and one bad guy they were looking for was a bit on the fat side)


Well, I will miss you :sob::sob:

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