A Heist change that we need stat

We should be able to see exactly which player starts Thief fights and ESPECIALLY the Hideout battle. It’s ridiculous to lose time, effort and Heist tickets thanks to one player ruining the game for four others, whether on purpose or not. We need to know to avoid such players until the much requested feedback / endorsement system a la Overwatch gets implemented.

I already try my best to write down bad Heist players’ names, or simply players who have thrown my games on purpose. It’s a lot of guesswork because you simply don’t know for sure most of the time!
If everyone could see who starts the all-important Hideout battle - the one that decides the entire game that can last up to an hour* - a lot of useless finger-pointing could be skipped.

While we’re at it, Thief fights - particularly on gems - also need to show who starts the fight. I wouldn’t mind knowing who starts ALL fights, you already show if a hero is in a battle, it’s no issue whatsoever to also show who started the current fight a hero is in.

The following needs to be included in the victory/defeat screen: the participants’ names and who started the Hideout battle. Maybe also W/L ratio for all fights the player started. Sometimes it’s hard to remember everyone’s names fresh out of a Heist.

  • No joke, I once witnessed a Heist last an hour or more because no one could find the Hideout. It was hidden behind a gem guard in the white circle. - Another thing to be fixed - make POIs always visible inside the white circle.
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