War attack( For god sake sake fix it)

No i didnt, i prefectly took them out 2/2. This time it doesnt even show in the war log and also my attack and heroes have been consumed .

Look at joker my id. Only shows my extra attack.

Some of my guildmates have it happen almost regularly. Does Perblue care?


If you send in a support ticket, we do review all the logs for those battles and investigate any errors we find. In many, many cases, this behavior is the result of a poor network connection, memory issues on the device, or another app on the device interrupting the game. Send in a ticket with all the details and we’ll take a look!

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Can’t there be implemented a failsafe for War like for Surge? I.e. if a player has this happen, their heroes and attack aren’t consumed, enemy team is left untouched.
Even one per guild in every War would be a terrific improvement.


Building in a failsafe to refresh everything would just be exploitable by people who cared to force crash their game if they didn’t sweep so they could try again with a different setup. Something like that is fine for a non-competitive game mode like surge, but not for War. There wouldn’t be a way to “limit” a bug like this to X number per guild either. No thanks, hit with a stable connection or better device that doesn’t cause an issue.


As far as I know, Surge is limited so War could be limited to 1 per guild or something, as well. I didn’t really think of it as a competitive vs non-competitive issue, though. It’s just incredibly frustrating for my guildmates to lose a valuable attack because game memory usage isn’t optimized properly (when it’s NOT the internet).

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How to send in a ticket polaris?

Tap your player icon in the bottom left corner, and then tap the support button. Search the FAQ for your issue, and if you don’t find an answer, use the icon in the top right to make a ticket for support.

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Thank you, i will do it.

Joker they told me the same thing Polaris just mentioned but, I have 1G internet connection, and a brand new phone, plus this is the only app that closes on itself and doesn’t seem to pull up a send in ticket to developer.

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Now that “Quick Fight” is a thing and a nice feature in the friendship campaign, is it possible to get this implement (or sort of) in the guild war (also coliseum)?

I love watching the heroes battle each other, but at this point I’ll throw anything just to be able to help my guild and finish my battles without crashing.


Great idea @Pepper if it was in war we wouldn’t be having this problem quite as often.

It’s really sad when you know you have a good connection yet no matter what you say it falls on deaf ears.

Again quick fight in war, Is a good idea. In my opinion.


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It’s annoying

My friend who has sadly quit the game thanks to a variety of issues, including War crashes, mentioned an easy fix to avoid people abusing a War failsafe like the one I proposed earlier:

Solution: server remembers which heroes you attempt to use and prevents you from using any other heroes should you crash and attempt to reclaim the failsafe. That is, hypothetical Team A goes into a War battle, crashes, you can’t log in and use Team B, only Team A again, to be able to use the failsafe.

Obviously I don’t know myself how this game functions but maybe it helps.

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That’s actually a great idea, but I imagine would require quite a bit of recoding :thinking: definitely would be worth the effort to us players, though.

Eu tenho um problema muito frequente com guerra e coliseu. Simplesmente, eu nunca sei se conseguirei fazer um ataque bem sucedido ou uma derrota estressante. Isso varia, tem guerras que eu consigo atacar, em outras o meu jogo fecha apenas quando eu vou atacar, e o mesmo acontece com o coliseu. O impressionante é que o jogo só fecha sozinho nestes modos de jogo. Eu já enviei mensagem para o suporte pedindo uma correção, mas fui informado que o problema está na memória do meu celular, o que certamente é uma mentira, já que em certos dias eu passo horas sem usar o celular e meu jogo fecha, em outros eu jogo com vários apps abertos e consigo atacar normalmente.

Na minha opinião, a solução não é dar uma 2ª chance com quem acontece isso, até porque muitos iriam usar isso ao seu favor, mas acho que sempre que ocorresse este fato desagradável, a batalha deveria ser pausada imediatamente, e não simplesmente contabilizada como derrota. E então um prazo para o jogador concluir aquela batalha. Espero que dessa vez haja boa vontade para receber a minha sugestão, e é isso, forte abraço para quem leu até aqui.

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I think that could still be abused. The only real solution would be to ensure the server/client communicate the battle based on who was selected instantaneously and make the visual we watch play out be a simple replay of what the server already computed. I can’t even say they don’t already do this though, I haven’t done any testing to take a look

If they do, maybe adding a “Quick Fight” feature that just sends the information and spits out the result without the actual battle could be great.

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That is how Arena & Coli work - the reason it’s not for War is probably because of the ability to toggle Auto

Players can already abuse the fact that a Heist’s outcome depends on a single Hideout battle and throw Heist games for others willy-nilly, consuming their time, effort and Heist tickets.
Perblue don’t care (yet). I made a thread about it. There are way, way more Heists daily than there are Wars.

Why bother about people abusing something that would not even hurt anyone (directly)? I can’t think of how such a War failsafe would actually really hurt people.
As I can see from this thread, this crash issue is extremely relevant to lots of players - myself not included.
I don’t experience crashes in War, only Invasion and Surge - and not often, thankfully. But I would be mad for any other guildmate of mine with those issues.

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