A Possibly Helpful Template for First-Time Concept Makers

So I keep seeing people posting concepts with absolute dog-dookie formatting, and now I’m going to do something about that. This is the basic template I use for all of my concepts. I believe it’s self-explanatory enough.

The :fist: makes :fist: for Normal damage attacks, the :sparkles: makes :sparkles: for Fantastic damage attacks, and I don’t have it on my template, but :beginner: makes :beginner: for True damage attacks.

So yeah, if you’ve been in need of a template for your concept, steal away! It’s not like I have a patent on it or anything. To see what my template looks like in action, dare to compare!


* *
**Trial Team:** 


<big>**Basic Animations**</big>


**Basic Attack:** 



:white_circle: **White Skill: ** (:Fist: / :Sparkles:)
- **Animation:** 

:green_circle: **Green Skill: ** (:Fist: / :Sparkles:)
- **Animation:** 

:large_blue_circle: **Blue Skill: ** (:Fist: / :Sparkles:)
- **Animation:** 

:purple_circle: **Purple Skill: ** (:Fist: / :Sparkles:)
- **Animation:** 

:red_circle: **Red Skill: ** (:Fist: / :Sparkles:)
<big>**Friend Disk Campaigns**</big>

**Disk #1 - **
* *
- **Partner:** 
- **Allies:** 
- **Level Up:**
- **Stars:**

**Disk #2 - **
* *
- **Partner:** 
- **Allies:** 
- **Level Up:**
- **Stars:**


What’s wrong with :shield:?

Assuming because the other symbol looks cooler


I’m going to say, I don’t agree with having a template. Part of what gives each person style is how their formatting is unique… it’d be better to have a loose outline of the bare essentials. Besides, things like animations don’t make much difference, and just add more work that’s not needed. :man_shrugging:


“Doggie dookie”.

Completely subjective.


Orrrr… just let people format concepts how they want :sweat:

I mean, I just saw one today where the entire concept–skills and all–was just one long, unbroken paragraph. Some folks need help, clearly.

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