A Royal Pain - Shere Khan (Likely Concept)

Shere Khan (The Jungle Book)

Fierce and intimidating, Shere Khan graces the battle with his regal presence, using every deadly tool at his beastly disposal to make enemies regret their foolish decision to oppose him.
Role: Tank
Position: Front
Trial Team: Blue

“You should know that everyone runs from Shere Khan…”


Basic Animations

Entrance: Shere Khan saunters onto the field with a cocky, confident smile. Upon arriving in position, he holds up a paw, extends his claws, retracts them, and rubs his chest with his “knuckles” to signify his boredom with the whole affair already.

Basic Attack: Shere Khan lazily swipes at melee enemies with his front paw, claws fully extended, looking like he’s barely even trying.

Victory: Shere Khan plops down on the ground to rest/gloat, giving the fallen enemy team a glance before shaking his head in mock pity at their plight.

Defeat: Eyes wide, Shere Khan raises his hackles, hisses and growls at the enemy team, and leaps away in shame.


:white_circle: White Skill: Furious Charge (:sparkles:)

  • Passive: Each time Shere Khan hits with a basic attack or is hit by a basic attack, he gains 1 stack of Fury. Each stack of Fury increases Shere Khan’s Armor and Reality by 10%, stacking up to 50 times.
  • Active: Shere Khan pounces, dashing through the enemy team to deal X (determined by Skill Power) Fantastic damage to all enemies and Scaring them for 14 seconds. This attack deals 10% more damage for each stack of Fury on Shere Khan.
  • Animation: Shere Khan lowers his body, extends his claws, and with a roar, leaps through the air, raking the enemies with his claws during his arc. Once he lands, he sneers at the enemy team before leaping back into position.

:green_circle: Green Skill: Royal Slash (:sparkles:)

  • Shere Khan slashes twice at enemies in melee range, dealing X (determined by Basic Damage) Fantastic damage per hit. Enemies hit lose 100% of their Armor and Reality for 8 seconds, and Shere Khan receives 35% of the stolen defenses permanently. The defense reduction has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.
    – Each hit of this ability grants Shere Khan 2 stacks of Fury, or 5 stacks of Fury on a crit or super crit.
  • Animation: Spotting an opening, Shere Khan rears onto his hind legs and slashes at his foes twice with deadly force before landing back on his feet. He then chuckles at his display of might, mincing with pure self-satisfaction.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: Ferocious Bite (:fist:)

  • Once every 7 seconds, Shere Khan dodges a melee attack and Counters, dealing X (determined by Basic Damage) Normal damage, removing 500 Energy from the target, and giving 250 Energy to himself. If the target has less than 500 Energy, this Counter deals 2% additional damage for each point of Energy below that amount the opponent has.
  • Animation: Shere Khan flexibly lunges under the opponent’s attack and retaliates by biting at them with tremendous ferocity. Shere Khan then mock-winces at the damage he’s inflicted.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: Regal Demeanor

  • Shere Khan gains 2% increased maximum HP for each stack of Fury he possesses.
  • Scared enemies are also Distracted by Shere Khan for the duration. This has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

:red_circle: Red Skill: King of the Jungle

  • Enemies Distracted by Shere Khan deal 25% reduced damage from all sources. This effect is reduced against enemies above level X.
  • Shere Khan’s basic attacks deal bonus damage equal to 75% of the enemy’s Reality. This effect is reduced against enemies above level X.
  • Shere Khan gains 25% Lifesteal. Lifesteal causes the target to be healed for a percentage of all damage they deal.
    +X Basic Damage
    +X Armor
    +X Reality

Friend Disk Campaigns

:fire: Disk #1 - "The Fires of Knowledge"
Shere Khan can hardly believe his eyes–he had thought that only Man held dominion over fire, but now he comes across some kind of bipedal reptile calling itself Fred who, also, wields the power of fire. But past experiences have taught Shere Khan not to mess around with those who can wield this power, so instead he decides to follow the strange creature across the vast Man-Village, to see if he can learn how to create fire himself. After all, if he wishes to fight back against Man, he must be able to use Man’s powers against him. Along the way, however, he sees that fire is far from the only formidable force that Man controls in this world, and so this ambitious monarch decides to watch from the shadows to learn all he can…

  • Partner: Fred Fredrickson
  • Allies: Hiro Hamada, Ian Lightfoot, Peter Pan
  • Level Up:
    +X Basic Damage
    Shere Khan heals for X for each debuff Cleansed by Ferocious Bite
  • Stars:
    When Shere Khan uses Ferocious Bite, he also has a 20% (+20% per additional star) chance to Cleanse himself of all debuffs.

:crown: Disk #2 - "What is a Man?"
A miserable little pile of secrets! Every attempt Shere Khan makes to gather more information on these Man-like animals that walk upright and speak the human language ends in failure! If only he could learn how these animals gained the powers and stature of Man, he could be one step closer to supplanting them as the superior beast. Suddenly, Shere Khan is confronted by Scar, another feline monarch with a chip on his shoulder, but Scar has been in the City longer than Shere Khan has, and, for a price, he’s willing to let Shere Khan in on the secrets of the Man-animals. Of course, this confident newcomer need not know that there is no larger secret at play. The “Man-animals” are just what they appear to be–no secrets or mystery involved–but Scar would very much like the additional muscle to help bump off some of his competition. But Shere Khan is no fool. He figures out very quickly that Scar has none of the answers he seeks, but decides that the lion’s quest for amassing power can be used in his own favor…

  • Partner: Scar
  • "Allies": Mr. Big & Koslov, Davy Jones, Oogie Boogie
  • Level Up:
    +X Armor per stack of Fury
    +X Reality per stack of Fury
  • Stars:
    After using Furious Charge, Shere Khan becomes Invisible for 4 (+1 per additional star) seconds and takes 15% (+15% per additional star) reduced damage while Invisible. Enemies Distracted by Shere Khan while Shere Khan is Invisible will waste their time attacking empty air.

Wow… I mean, wow… This is amazing.


It looks good although just a personal opinion I think his defeat should involve a tree branch of fire tied to his tail with him freaking out.

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