A post where I regret doing something

Sorry guys. Conflict moment.



How does he attack? :confused:


I laughed at this for some reason

So is it supposed to be “He spawns the battlefield”?

How do you think zombies attack in MC? Of course they bite. That’s why I included that he attacks the closest enemy.

Edit: Never mind the spawn word. I just saw the mistake.


I know that. I was just kinda thinking u should be a bit more specific for the ones unfamiliar with Minecraft Who do exist btw

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I am familiar with MC. I’m just thinking out loud for others

Fine. I’ll try to edit out those ones. If it makes you happy, I’ll try to be a pleaser.

I didn’t mean to offend u. Sorry

Other than those minor things ur concept is Top Notch,9.5/10!

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Don’t be. I know you meant well and all, but don’t be.


I feel bad for him lol

Tbh. I can just imagine a Hybrid Animal rn lol

But seriously, I’m having second thoughts of deleting this concept because of you.

No. Dont delete it. Its good

Plus what did I even do besides give u feedback?


  1. Double posting which annoys me for some reason

  2. Pointing out the simpliest mistakes that every person makes, even if it’s an accident.

  3. I somehow feel that you’re not sincere on your apology.

Listen, I know you meant well and that you have nothing against me, but seeing the way you give feedback makes my day worse than it actually is.


Bad grammar drives me nuts sorry. Or spelling errors

I was

Yeah. I do that sometimes

Well u just ruined mine cuz of this comment so

claps hands

Also saying “attacks an enemy” could mean anything. From using a bat to throwing a shoe

Again, about that, like do I have to specify every single detail up to the last letter? Like why should I adjust for people to understand clearly when they won’t even try to understand it themselves?

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