Gladstone gander
1 star, frontline control
“When my public named me ‘lucky’ they weren’t just awoofin!”
Entrance:walks in until he sees a 20$ bill on the ground and picks it up
Victory:he straightens his suit as he smiles
Defeat:he drops his dollar as it floats away as he tries to grab it but he ends up faceplanting onto the ground
Basic attack:a anvil or safe falls onto a random enemy which damages that enemy for x amount and has a 30% chance to stun the enemy hit
White:luck of the duckrish
Gladstone finds a lucky penny on the ground which increases his chance to dodge a attack by 50% as well as giving him a small attack power boost for 3 seconds.
Green:winning throw (fantastic damage)
Gladstone throws a horseshoe at the enemies, the horseshoe deals x damage to the enemy hit and then the horseshoe bounces and hits 3 other enemies which deals x damage to each enemy hit.
blue:20 dollars
Gladstone finds a 20 dollar bill in his wallet and smells it which heals him for x amount.
purple:a touch of luck
Gladstone is now immune to all forms of CC
Red:lazy luck
Gladstone now gains a another 50% chance to dodge attacks when Donald duck is on the enemy team.
“20 dollars” now gives Gladstone armor when he is at full health.
Unlucky day
“winning throw” now steals energy
“Winning throw” now steals energy for all enemies hit and gives them to Gladstone
Golden cricket
Shared healing
“20 dollars” now heals all allies for x amount
Inspired by ideas from @Kira and @Grim_grinning_Ghost