About Latest Fortify The Network

I don’t have an answer for that right now, but I will let the team know and maybe we can revisit that soft cap.


Mainly because it has been increasing by 1000 for like forever… Heck, 21-24 have it exactly 12000 lower and it takes far more time to fill (35,000).

While they need 19,460 stamina to get through that requirement in FtN.
If I went solely by that, the soft cap in old servers would have to be like… 160,000 or something. Just by 35,000 / 19,460 x 95,400 = 171,582.73…

Or like… if it was kept at the ratio it once had compared to free stamina and stamina buys. I would say that it should rely on the increase of free stamina and that´s like…
3 x 110 x 28 = 9240. So it should increase by 9,240, yet it increases by 1,000.

Speaking of Stamina Caps, just to say the lowest end cap in terms of the stamina we earn over time is at 2315-ish now and we are now soon going to earn more than 2315 while we sleep if sleeping long, so if the that cap could be increased to at least 5000 if not 10 000 so that we can be freer in real life and not having to worry about missing stamina? :-).

Another thing I would like to ask in terms of is if the Fortify The Network contest Diamond bonus range are based on how many people are in Challenger and how high people generally get in Challenger?
If you don’t have time to answer it now I can ask it in the Q&A if you prefer @Loutre :-).

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Well that as well. Free Stamina is close to filling that cap.
I wonder why it still increases by 5 a level. If it was like 50 or… 100.
But 5 a level means 25 every cap. And everything increases far quickly.

My guess on the cap issues is that they did not adjust them to work with the stamina changes made last year.

Yes, I assume so.

i can’t recover my account.my account name is onyekz i’m server 1.my guild name is disney clan.

Loutre is off as it is weekend now, but yeah you should try to contact Customer Support which you can do here :-).


This was the first contest since starting this game years ago that I didn’t even attempt at all.

I’m so tired of the Swedish Chef as a contest prize. I have him. I don’t want anymore of him. He’s the new Gonzo.

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Just for informational purposes:
I didn’t realize the contest was 3 day and therefore, didn’t do it. Yes I could have looked but why would I? My point is I spent no diamonds and only regular stamina and I got a prize for being in the top 50%. Either the majority didn’t bother or like me were caught off guard.

This only apply to “Fortify the Network” or was just a one time only because I will change month this week?

I was also caught off guard. Should I have checked the duration of the contest? Probably. But I didn’t even think that it would be changed from 6 days back to 3 day because I didn’t see any announcement about it. I was planning to use my stamina items today (along with a backpack of some kind). I’m fine with either 3 day or 6 day contests, and I get that the duration is listed on the contest page, but I would have loved an announcement in the game so I could have had it on my radar.

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While there are bigger problems affecting the game, this may be the issue that annoys me the worst: not sufficiently communicating simple, but important, changes that have been made. Obviously there are people who ignore even in-game announcements, but that channel is there and is ideally tailored to spreading information like this; why not use it?

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As of right now it was just planned as a one time thing.


Would it be possible to know if there was a reason to do this?

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Could we have the length of the contest given within the in-game contest announcement itself? I really don’t want to have to start asking “How long is this contest?” every Thursday afternoon in the forum. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Just testing the 3 day vs 6 day for Fortify The Network as it was the most complained about change.


The rest will be back to 6 days.


6 days is very long, It can be mentioned as excess time…!

I don’t like 6 day contest but frankly, for F2P, it is the only time we can have enough stamina to somehow do FTN

The longer time we have, the more free stamina we could use. And now, if they make diamond requirement actually doable, FTN won’t be as hated by majority of players as of now @loutre

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