And the winner is

probably tanks = ranks, as how many ranks of toxic it will be.
Like Red had 20 ranks.

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Misspelling. Just edited it to ranks


About 2 months left, currently being Yellow+26.


That’s my original pick. But I love it! :grin:


So 2 months until we see it in game?


In my head I thought it was actual tanks filled with toxic

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I knew Toxic was gonna win

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Yep, this is tragic

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Hmm. Will the others be put for in the future

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wayyyyy to similar to green. but alright


At least my vote didn’t win.

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Beginners won’t reach this level very quickly, so it is not a concern. Most high level players have all heroes above green. Green is the furthest rank away from Yellow besides white.

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like the other options weren’t close to another existing ranks :man_shrugging:

and green is the shortest-living rank, if player doesn’t upgrade character (epsecially f2p) it’s probably left at white, hardly anyone leaves a hero at green. most push for purple at least to unlock all main skills.

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All colors were somewhat copy of previous released colors. Imo platinum should have won. :pleading_face:


platinum badges were enough, and they all were ugly and lazy.

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yeah the platinum badge which are remake of badges available in white ranks, yeah they suck, only if they released new badges in the platinum shade, that would be cool i think :slight_smile:


it doesn’t really matter, people will get them confused regardless of how different the ranks are.

yes, but we had platinum and that was a much better choice, different from everything and would give a actual new color, toxic isn’t an actual color. it’s just green with some blur.


that’s enough, I am bought. I don’t want to look at anything platinum in dhbm, it’s just reminding of the bad stuff.

from far distance it can look like white.

It will have [T].

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But whales most likely won’t. Like @Musketeer said, if a whale or high level players doesn’t want to upgrade a hero, it is very unlikely that the hero will be kept at green instead of white.

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Well…all options were created by UI designers, weren’t they?

Honestly, I don’t see a reason for that. A couple of “My toon is Toxic” puns, maybe, but not more.

On that I can agree, but what it has to do with the rank itself? I mean, those “platinum” badges aren’t even platinum, they’re just blue :sweat_smile:

What about the winner itself…it’s alright. Gem or Platinum would fit more if we knew this rank is a conclusion. But there is no end to ranks, so Gem and metals wouldn’t really fit. All others…the only one I didn’t want to win is Fire, cause we already have three warm colors in a row. I would prefer Teal or something like that, but out of existing options, yeah, Toxic is among the better ones.

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