And the winner is

If you think toxic is too close to green, then gem would be too close to purple. In that case, toxic would be the best choice.

The T and G letters look very different from eachother.

I can understand that, but I am looking at the majority

Everyone can have their opinions, but just keep the bad ones to yourself. Complaining to the team isn’t going to change the votes or the new color. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. (Note: This is not targeted toward anyone. I just think everyone needed to be reminded.

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it’s hard to find any pictures online of the green rank haha, but wayyy to similar. not the exact same but very very similar

yes, I’m aware, but I’m definitely allowed to share my completely reasonable opinion and criticism


Well I am fairly certain that if the team decides not to call the rank “toxic” there will be a big outrage of those that voted for it.
Because the people which voted toxic voted for the word, not the appearance. And to me, that’s inherently wrong…

But let’s see. XD
Maybe “Toxic” fans will be disappointed at the end. :man_shrugging:


yeah… I suppose they were :grimacing:


Could be that the shiny light green will be remade into shiny dark green and the rank will be Forest…

And then the ranks will represent Formulas :rofl:


Exactly! I voted for Platinum. At least it was in second. But come on, people! Toxic is just green again!


I voted for fire

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We should have a 2nd round where it’s only Toxic and Platinum, like president elections @Samm :rofl:


This line of thinking makes no sense at all. Imagine if Fire had won and someone came along and said we all had to watch out for arson happening more often because of the Fire rank somehow encouraging people to mess around with fire. That’s how silly this statement is.


Actually no.

I don’t think toxic or toxicity can have a positive connotation.

However fire can be useful. “Fire in heroes’ hearts” for example. = being encouraged.


… I think this topic should be just closed, nothing good can happen from this conversation, and we all know Toxic rank won, which is basically enough of information… it’s just becomes off topic now. :woman_shrugging:



Yes, because you don´t like anyone talking trash about the option you voted.
But being you, I should try learn accepting others opinions on the matter.

I accept that Toxic won, but also acknowledge that the margin was low and many option stayed at more than half the votes Toxic had, which means…

again, you can say like with a president “Toxic is not my rank”… and you´d be correct since 77% voted for other options


Agreed. Only disagreement and possibly arguments can unleash from here. Simply acknowledge that Toxic is the new rank and move on. I certainly have. I can understand frustration of not getting the rank you voted for, but there is nothing we can do about it.

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Partially justified, however.

As explained above, I did.

That´s not frustration. As stated above, 77% did not vote for Toxic.
It would be fair even if the odds were 30/70 or 35/65. But 23/77? Really?

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That post was for everyone on the forum, and I only replied to yours because I was agreeing. Sorry for the confusion :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Ah right, nevermind.

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Ouch bro, I voted platinum cus of 100 years of disney XD
Also biased cus I really don’t like green

Woohoo! :tada: :tada:

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Yes!!! I win is a toxic but including a spirit.

Toxic looks absolutely great!

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