And the winner is

Man, I wanted Fire. :disappointed:

Yeah, if it had been named “Neon” or “Chlorophyll” or something else blandly descriptive or vague, it would’ve had probably a third fewer votes, at least. I’ve seen a lot of comments suggesting people voted just because they thought it was funny to refer to the heroes (or the game) as “Toxic”.

Ah well, what’s done is done. All that’s left is dealing with the sore winners.


I’m wonder that Toxic rank is make more stamina?

Welp, as someone who voted gem, im kind of dissapointed instead of something that could of been unique they chose to just do a different kind of green.

Anyway i want to see everyones opinions on this so, wherr does everybody stand on this:

  • I like this choice
  • I dislike this choice
  • Im neutral on this

0 voters

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This can cause so much drama


Alright cool :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Ah, I wanted bronze or platinum, neon looks like a gamer setup lmao, but alright anyway :slight_smile:


You’re not alone, I wanted fire to win too and I knew toxic was gonna win because a lot of people were talking about it

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But different kind of purple is ok, how is that even different? That’s so biased.

:eyes: well, it is a game afterall.


To be fair, Gem also had a crystal-like texture to help it stand out more. All Toxic has is that it glows.



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