Another question

So I am I rather weak player and I wanted to know, what is the fastest way level up. I just want to unlock more characters to red, get to challengers, and get some more disks

Daily Quests and Raids. And buying

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So, what are raids and what do I buy?

You can buy different deals with items that can help u to level up faster

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Here you can see Raid buttons


Oh, lol I’m stupid forgot about that

I would be happy to share my strategy for leveling up.


Okay, please share

I thought of something else to add to it, but I then forgot what I was going to say.

I agree with everything you said imagineer except this. By building every hero, you’d be wasting resources and reducing your ability to keep your main 15 at max. Pick 15 and upgrade those.

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At low level ranks this works really well. Afterwards you narrow everything down.

Well… tbh I try to keep every hero at least at P2, I hate having white heroes. It costs nothing anyway.


Still, every bit of stamina counts. It does you 0 good to have every hero at blue.

Same. Having white heroes triggers me.

I became really good at hoarding. So I have stamina, badges and bits, and gold hoarded. That way, it is very easy to get everyone to Blue 0

It does give you a head start if you ever decide to work on any of them. Whether it is for your own personal use or for friendship campaigns.

But I recommend getting heroes to at least P3-O1.

Based on my TL my current goal is to get everyone to B0-P1 with skills leveled for those I really want to be strong. Does anyone know what TL is needed to upgrade heroes to P4?

Why? What good does it do you?

Please read this

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This is all of us right now

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