Anxiety Concept (Likely)

Anxiety (Inside Out 2, 2024)

Anxiety is here to proactively keep all of her allies safe from any potential, unseen threats.


“That’s not gonna haunt us for the rest of our lives at all…”

Stars: :star:

Type: Midline Support

Trials Team: Yellow Team

Entrance: Anxiety shuffles in carrying too many suitcases, then drops them in her spot and brushes herself off nervously.

Victory: Anxiety jumps in the air happily.

Defeat: Anxiety’s face drops.


Basic Attack:
See passive.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Long Night”
Passive: Instead of Basic Attacking, Anxiety downs a cup of coffee, granting herself +200 energy and gaining 2 stacks of Tension. Anxiety can have up to 30 stacks of Tension.

Active: Anxiety downs a bunch of energy drinks at once! Anxiety consumes up to a max of 10 stacks of Tension, healing herself X health per stack of Tension she consumes and increasing her attack speed by 20% per stack of Tension she consumes for 12 seconds.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “That’s A Big Idea!”
Normal Damage :fist:
A giant idea bulb crashes randomly onto the enemy side of the battlefield, dealing X normal damage in an area plus an additional Y fantastic damage per stack of Tension Anxiety currently has. Damaged enemies are also Sapped for 10 seconds.

The size of the affected area grows depending on how many stacks of Tension Anxiety has when this skill activates. When the bulb crashes, Anxiety Cleanses herself and gains 2 stacks of Tension per enemy hit. This skill can be used once every 9 seconds, and can trigger even if Anxiety if Frozen, Stunned, Charmed, or Silenced.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Unseen Threats”
Once every 8 seconds, Anxiety moves impossibly fast to block a debuff from being applied to herself or an ally. That ally then has their attack speed increased by 50% for 8 seconds and gains X basic damage for 12 seconds. This skill can trigger even if Anxiety if Frozen, Stunned, Charmed, or Silenced.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “Fight-Or-Flight”
Anxiety’s movement speed is increased by 5% per stack of Tension she has. Anxiety gains a 2% to dodge incoming attacks or skills per stack of Tension she has.

Dodge has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “Preparing For The Future”
Anytime Anxiety gains energy, every ally also gains energy equal to 30% of what she gained.

Anytime an enemy damages Anxiety while she has more than 5 stacks of Tension, that enemy gains 1 stack of Fatigue.

Anytime Anxiety blocks a debuff with “Unseen Threats,” that enemy gains is Sapped for 12 seconds and gains 3 stacks of Fatigue.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X skill power

  • +Y evasion

  • +Z “Long Night” healing


Anxiety and Fear: Panic Preparation

Block debuffs faster with “Unseen Threats”

Disk Power

  • +X basic damage increase from “Unseen Threats”

  • +Y basic damage to Anxiety and all allies

  • +Y skill power to Anxiety and all allies

  • +Z evasion


  • “Unseen Threats” can now be used once every 7/6/5/4/3 seconds

Allies: Cruella de Vil, Percival McLeach, Long John Silver

Anxiety and Max Goof: Good Ol’ Teenage Years

Grant more energy with “Preparing For The Future”

Disk Power

  • +X max energy to Anxiety and all allies

  • +Y reality

  • +Z “Unseen Threats” basic damage increase


  • “Preparing For The Future” now grants allies 40%/50%/60%/70%/80% of all energy that Anxiety gains

Allies: Sandy Claws, Luz Noceda, Max Dennison


Great concept :+1:


Amazing concept.

It’s only a matter of when we get Anxiety. Not if.


I have no doubt we’ll see Anxiety soon, possibly before the end of the year


Wow! Anxiety! So cool! So I make this wish about Bloofy from Inside Out 2 (2024) coming in Disney Heroes: Battle Mode. So good concept. :star::+1:t2:


I love this concept

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Me too! I love it too!

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Can y’all do envy of inside out 2 pls

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Can y’all do that, pls? And don’t forget Ennui, Embarrassment, Lance, and Bloofy with Pouchy.

I’ve done embarrassment. The others would go hard tho. Also ennui and envy have been done.

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Yep! I’ve done all the emotions from Inside Out 2 + Lance and Bloofy & Pouchy, and a few others have done them as well

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