Sandy Claws Concept (Likely-ish)

Sandy Claws (The Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993)

Sandy Claws has finally arrived to bestow gifts upon his allies!

“Me on vacation? On Christmas Eve?”

Stars: :star:

Type: Frontline Support

Trials Team: Yellow Team

Entrance: Sandy Claws hobbles onto the battlefield.

Victory: Sandy Claws lets out a jolly laugh.

Defeat: Sandy Claws steps back in surprise.


Basic Attack:
Normal Damage :fist:
Sandy pulls a present out of his sack and throws it at a random enemy.

:white_circle: White Skill: “Checking It Twice”
The player chooses a stat for Sandy Claws to affect. The player can choose between basic damage, skill power, armor, and reality. While on auto, Sandy chooses a stat completely at random. Sandy Claws then pulls out his naughty or nice list, increasing that stat for all allies by X for 12 seconds, and decreasing that stat for all enemies by X for 12 seconds.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “Fixing Christmas”
Sandy Claws throws a candy cane to the ally with the least remaining HP, healing them for X health, Cleansing them, and granting them +200 energy.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “White Stuff Everywhere”
Sandy looks up as snow begins to fall on the battlefield for 10 seconds. When the snow starts, Sandy and all allies gain X shield for 10 seconds. While it is snowing, Sandy and all allies are healed Y health per second and have their evasion increased by 40%.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “On The Move”
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:
Sandy Claws cannot be Stunned or Snared. If an enemy attempts to Stun or Snare Sandy Claws, that enemy is dealt X fantastic damage and Sandy Claws has his movement speed increased by 60% for 12 seconds.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “Something Extra”
“Checking It Twice” will now include an additional, random stat of those not selected. All allies will have this stat increased by the same amount as the original stat for 12 seconds, and all enemies will have this stat decreased by the same amount as the original stat for 12 seconds.

“Fixing Christmas” now increases the selected enemy’s max HP by X for the remainder of the wave.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X evasion

  • +Y reality

  • +Z “Fixing Christmas” healing


Sandy Claws and The Mayor: NOT A Collaborative Project

Confuse enemies with basic attacks

Disk Power

  • Confused enemies lose -X armor

  • Confused enemies lose -X reality

  • +Y skill power to Sandy Claws and all allies


  • Sandy Claws’s basic attack now Confuses the damaged enemy for 2/3/4/5/6 seconds

Allies: Sally, Elsa, Max Dennison

Sandy Claws and Sisu: Commodity of Weather Oddities

Increase evasion further with “White Stuff Everywhere”

Disk Power

  • +X “White Stuff Everywhere” shield

  • +Y “White Stuff Everywhere” healing per second

  • +Z armor

  • +Z reality


  • “White Stuff Everywhere” now increases Sandy Claws’s evasion by 50%/60%/70%/80%/90%

Allies: King Louie, The Sultan, Goofy


Great concept :+1:


Wow! Sandy Claws! :star_struck::santa:t2:


I wouldn’t mind him joining!:+1:


Yeah, me too.

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