April 2021 Sign-In Hero & Shop Refresh!

Yeah she dose

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It seems there are more heroes coming out of shops than there are spaces in elite campaigns.

Out of shops

  1. Goliath
  2. Sadness
  3. Kim Possible
  4. Colette
  5. Dr F

Into shops from elite campaigns

  1. Wasabi
  2. Captain Amelia
  3. Syndrome
  4. Linguini & Remi

Is there a way to know which ones will go into elite campaigns? I ask because my Sadness has 182/200 chips right now. Also, when will the change happen (before or after the nightly changeover on the 31st)

Everyone that goes out of the shop will go into the elite campaign and take the spot from the person they are replaced by


Finally a new villain I mean Dr. Drakken is a villain I think but finally a new villain

Yes, the one which want to take over a world…


Yeah he is a villian _____ ___ ___ __ ___ ________

Can’t wait to get Demora

Ok thanks :slight_smile:

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