Arena Rewards are imbalanced. Boycott

what kind of respone are you trying to recall???

The one on reddit. Caster’s post

PerBlue is making changes to correct the issue.

Thank You PerBlue for stepping up to correct this problem!

Well, that’s like a week of missing rewards. It’s a start but for me just doesn’t cut it.

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Now we need to make sure that anyone that was banned for refunding during this is unbanned

Thank you all for your patience! For more information please read our thread.

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What about the people that were banned for refunding because of this? Will they be unbanned? Only seems fair since they would not of done that if you guys have not screwed us like that

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You’re welcome to contact support with any questions regarding the situation.

It would be more unfair to let those people keep the accounts and the refunded money to be able to spend it again, essentially getting double the diamonds and higher vip without paying for it

So keeping them banned is better?

They may be lost customers anyways lol

I’d say in this case, yes since there’s no way to take back all the resources they spent the diamonds on before having them refunded. Letting them stay would create another wave of issues as it’d be the same as giving them all extreme amounts of free diamonds and vip rings. Alot of us were affected, they sent messages saying they were doing something about it, and they did within a few days of officially responding.

People let themselves get too worked up and Amp eachother up. As it is now, they have their money and no account, that’s fair. They can start an account and spend the same amount of money, and most likely end up in a better place due to having knowledge of best practices within the game. Some people had $1000+ refunded, them being impatient is not an even trade off for being handed essentially a very high vip account for free by letting them keep that money

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First of all. I think the mistake was made by perblue. Not the people who asked for refunds, they took a lot of time to fix this issue, and went full silent about it for a long long time. That been said it’s up to perblue to choose from unban them (and give them negative currency or something) or just take the loss and keep them banned (that could mean an impact in the recurrent revenue from those ppl).

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When did they said they were looking into it? Perblue’s response was “This is working as intended”. And the community managers had been silent for more than 1 week with this issue.
I didn’t asked for a refund, but i think it was the absolute normal behavior after the null response form them

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Yes they made a big mistake. Though they also fixed it and are compensating people for it. I think it’d be nice if they gave an additional gift for the trouble, but here was nothing done that can justify giving people potentially thousands of dollars worth of game content for free.

That assessment is quite unfair. I agree that letting them keep the purchased items would be unfair and a huge problem for PerBlue to work around but let’s be realistic. If those people hadn’t requested those refunds you think PerBlue would have just made this change out of the kindness of their heart? The official response was this was completely intentional. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Google and Apple who forced PerBlue to do something about this mess since they don’t like giving out refunds.

They could. If the future sales compensate it. But like i said, they could do some of the negative currency seen in other games. Or just keep then banned.

July 13th. That’s more than a week after they send a “this is working as intended” at all the people asking.AJOMS1w_d

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There was no official responses until today. The one on one conversations people have with support aren’t official responses

It’s 100% agreed they messed up big time. But saying people should keep all their money and their accounts is a bigger issue that the messed up rewards. Then it will be topics saying “this person got $3000 back and is still vip 16, I want my money too”

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