ATLA Concepts Series #1

Okay so, I recently watched ATLA and, it was great :grin:
So I thought, why not make a concepts series for it?
This is the first one, I’m planning to make 7 more but Idk exactly when I’ll post them :sweat_smile:

Anyway, enjoy!

Toph Beifong

“I’ve held books before. They don’t exactly do it for me.”

The Blind Bandit is anything but helpless when it comes to facing danger and fighting her opponents. After all, she’s the greatest Earthbender in the world.

Toph is a back-line control hero

Trial Team: Blue

Stars: :star:


Entrance: A hole is opened on the ground, and Toph jumps out of it to her position.

Victory: Toph creates a rock pillar, then jumps on it and grins.

Defeat: Toph sulks and builds a rock tent around her.

Basic Attack: Toph uses her earthbending to throw a rock at the closest enemy.


White Skill: Earthquake

:fist: Normal Damage

Toph causes an earthquake to move through enemies, dealing X damage to each enemy hit, reducing their Tenacity by 75 and Evasion by 60 for 10 seconds and stunning them for 6 seconds.

Green Skill: Metal Bending

:sparkles: Fantastic Damage

Toph bends a metal slab and slams it on the closest enemies, dealing X damage and knocking them back.

If enemies damaged by this skill have Tenacity or Evasion debuffs, Toph also stuns them for 9 seconds.

Blue Skill: Rocky Protection

At the start of each wave, Toph covers herself in rock to protect herself, gaining a reinforced shield with X HP that lasts until it’s broken.

Reinforced shields cannot be removed, stolen or bypassed, and they ignore up to 50 Armor Negation and Reality Negation against them.

The shield granted by this skill also takes 50% reduced damage from all sources.

Purple Skill: Blind Bandit

Toph is always immune to blinds.

After the shield from “Rocky Protection” is broken and while she is not disabled, Toph’s Earthbending skills allow her to dodge 90% of enemy attacks. Toph can dodge damage over time effects with this skill.

The dodge chance is reduced against enemies above level Z.

Red Skill: Steady and Strong

Rocks from Toph’s basic attack now hit random enemies. Every second basic attack additionally stuns the enemy hit for 7 seconds and deals Z bonus damage.

“Rocky Protection” grants Toph 3 stacks of Hardy when she gains the shield and 2 stacks of Hardy when the shield is broken.

The stun has a chance to fail against enemies above level Z.

Additional Stat Boosts:
+Z Basic Damage
+Z Shield HP from “Rocky Protection”
+50% Attack Speed

X = Skill Power; Y = Basic Damage; Z = Level Cap


Toph Beifong - Shank
Blind Driving
"Rocky Protection" activates again
Allies: Evil Queen, Li Shang, Disgust
Friendship Campaign: Cheating the Cheaters

  • +Z Skill Power
  • +Z Basic Damage
  • 8 Seconds after the shield from “Rocky Protection” is broken, Toph can activate the skill again
  • The shield generated by this disk has 15% (+15% per additional star) the HP of the first shield

Toph Beifong - Goliath
Stone Formation
Protects blinded allies
Allies: Belle, Kevin Flynn, Wasabi
Friendship Campaign: Caves’ Hazard

  • +Z Max HP to Toph and allies
  • Toph gains Z Skill Power when an enemy attemps to blind her
  • Toph’s allies take 12% (+12% per additional star) less damage from all sources while blinded

I feel like this wasn’t as good as my last few concepts, but I hope it was good enough :sweat_smile:


Yes! Yes it is!


Iroh, Zuko, Saka, Katara, Aang, and… :thinking: Suki? Fire Emperor? Hmm.

Just nitpicking, I think the all should be anything. I read this as saying she is helpless, which you obviously weren’t trying to say.


Nonsense! I loved it! :grin:


There you go :grin:

Ok I’ll change it

Thanks lol


Yes! 6 outta 7!


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I’m very excited!

Good concept as well!


This one is really funny


Loved concept on the whole! Though the dogging of 90% is maybe a bit high for a purple skill?


Well, disables and precise.

It is quite high but… after all, you should know how hard it is to hit Toph in ATLA lol :upside_down_face:


Precise can do that? Hmm never noticed Robin doing that, but okay.

Yeah it’s very much in character that is true


Awesome. I love ATLA. Very excited to see more concepts of it from you. :grin:

Excellent concept. :+1:

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I am preety sure the more accurate short for the show is atlab since avatar the last air bender

Airbender is one word though :dizzy_face:

So yeah it’s ATLA


Good for you. I’m glad you liked it. Clearly one of Nicklodeon’s better shows. Hope you like The Legend of Korra

While we are on the subject. I know this is really not the place to discuss this. But, i feel that there is still so much they can do with this franchise.

It dosen’t have to nessesarily be Aang or Korra as the avatar but what if the next journey takes the avatar to other exotic locations such as ancient Greece or in the pages of famous story books (the original text of course). Think about it, the master of the elements against the gods of Olympus or famous fairy tale villains such as Morgana Le Fay, the Queen of Hearts, and Captain Hook.

Was thinking if I should watch it, hmm

Not that I would dislike seeing more than 3 seasons - especially with how little time Zuko stayed with the team, I’d really like to see more of it - but the story is complete and I’d rather not see it messed up like most sequels do :sweat_smile:

…that’s not how the Avatar world works :grimacing:


Just hear me out, i can’t get these ideas out of head. They just something about this that just sound so… intriguing.

On the ancient greek storyline, the gods of Olympus, led by Zeus of course, come from an alternate universe (Greece)… where bending of any kind is forbidden. To assert his dominance, Zeus defeat the Greek avatar and ripped his/her bending right out of his/her body.

Now, using the power of a magic sundial he stole from his father, Chronos (the god of time and space), to travel to Aang’s world to do the same thing. Of course, Aang and his friends are not going down without a fight.

Worlds collide as Team Avatar journey through both worlds facing friends and foes both old and new. All of that leading to the final showdown between Team Avatar and the gods of Mount Olympus.

As for the fairy tale storyline, a magic story book has appeared holding a collection of the greatest stories ever told (The Legends of King Arthur, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Peter Pan, The Jungle Book etc.) all of which are very unfamiliar and strange to our heroes.

Things get a whole lot stranger when the book magically pulls Team Avatar in it’s pages seperating them in different stories.

From there they must gain the help of the heroes of the stories and avoid the crosshairs of the stories’ respected villains and find away back to each other and get out of the book.

I don’t if you would like it. You gotta admit though, it’s has some appeal to it and it would be really cool to so something like either of these. :droplet::mountain::fire::wind_face:

Yeah no!

Avatar has a good and structured world that shouldn’t just collide with all of the worlds you name above.

Besides, it would severly mess with Legend of Korra, since we would be aware of such strange events if they had happened.

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There is no magic in their world, only bending.
And there is no Greece at all.

That sounds way too forced tbh.

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