Backson hero concept

Note that This will be based on the villainous version depicted by the other characters Rather than the actual character seen at the end.

When ever there is a hole in your sock, scribbles in your book, or things aren’t going well for you it’s easy to blame the backson. A terror that lurks in the forest for items to take and innocents to torment

Entrance: the backson is drawn in with chalk and after the drawing is finished he poofs into his finished form. (Aka the form seen above :point_up:)

Victory: the backson flexes and raises his eyebrow at the camera.

Defeat: the backson jumps up and down in frustration causing the floor he is standing on to break and he falls through.

Basic attack: the backson grabs a chisel and hammer and uses them on the enemy.

The backson’s horns lift him up like a helicopter and he comes back down and sits on the strongest enemy. then he dances back to his position and the enemy he had squished is stunned.

Green skill: SMALL AS A MOUSE
The backson roars and the weakest enemy is turned into a mouse and they will be scared for a few seconds.

The backson will roar at the sky causing the enemy to fall through a hole that was the result of the roar. After coming back the enemy will weakened.

If the backson is defeated he will fall through the hole but grab onto the ledge and climb out. The enemy will be stunned after this.

The effects of “Small as a mouse” will last longer as well as the effects of “unexpected surprise”.

Friend: Scrooge Mc duck
Campaign name: the callus collector
Story: Scrooge teaches the backson about the importance of earning items rather than taking them while the backson attempts to steal Scrooge’s money.
Allies: Robin Hood, little John, and the sherif of Nottingham.

Friend: Winnie the Pooh
Campaign name: friend or fiend
Story: Pooh try’s to befriend the backson and help him learn the importance of sharing rather than keeping everything to yourself. Tigger wants to catch the backson so he asks for the help of eyore and then Gadget joins in to find out who keeps taking her… well…gadgets.
Allies: tigger, eyore, and gadget.


The backson! It’s t-t-the backson!

Good concept

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