It was all started by a rabbit. Oswald the lucky rabbit hero concept

Before we had the mouse we had the rabbit. With plenty of pep in his step, Oswald is the determined and comedic fighter that truly started it all.

Role: damage

Row: middle

Stars: :star::star:

Quote: “lucky rabbit, that lucky Oswald rabbit. nicest rabbit that you ever knew”

Entrance: an easel with a black and white Oswald is on the battlefield. Oswald grabs his ears and uses them like scissors to cut through the painting and jumps out of the hole he cut. After jumping out he becomes coloured.

Victory: Oswald pulls off his ears as if they were a hat and tips it to the enemy.

Defeat: Oswald’s ears droop down and he sadly sits on the floor

Basic attack: Oswald’s ears turn into hands and punch the enemy.

An explanation mark appears above Oswald’s head and he turns it into a cannon and fires it at the enemy, stunning them.

Green skill: LUCKY AS CAN BE
Oswald pulls off his foot and starts rubbing it all over him to give himself good luck. This will make Oswald unable to be targeted and will heal him.

Oswald’s ears carry him into the air like a helicopter. After this, an anvil falls on the enemy’s head. This will make Oswald stronger. The anvil deals FANTASTIC damage.

Purple skill: STAR OF THE SHOW
“Head in the clouds” and “lucky as can be” make Oswald invincible for a few seconds.

“Explosive thinking” heals Oswald “lucky as can be” makes the team stronger as well as the effects of the skills lasting longer.

Friend: Mickey Mouse
Campaign name: hare raising debate
Story: Oswald and Mickey have an argument of who is the better and older hero. They try to settle it by asking the other characters. They ask goofy but he can’t tell the two apart. They then encounter Pete who claims that his “grand pappy” knew a rabbit named Oswald and a girl named Alice. after the awkward encounter, Oswald slowly Pieces together that he and Mickey have gone on similar adventures and therefore asks Merlin who is the copycat. Merlin simply tells them that it’s mickey and with that Mickey realises his life is based on someone else. Later Minnie reassures Mickey that he still is number one in her eyes.
Allies: goofy, Pete, and Merlin

Friend: Casey Jr.
Campaign name: what we had before
Story: Oswald becomes depressed and misses his home. Casey Jr. Passes by Oswald and asks what’s wrong. When Oswald explains, Casey asks what Oswald did back home. Oswald claims his earliest memory is driving a train and Casey knows what to do from there. the rest of the story is based on “trolly troubles”. On the trip, flash takes forever to go through level crossing (representing the stubborn cow), the backson spitefully smacks Casey and Oswald away (representing the goat), and when Casey and Oswald are falling into the water, moana and the ocean save them (representing the end).
Allies: flash, the Backson, and moana


Next time, I will be doing a concept of a character who might be one of the most obscure characters yet. It’s time to go through the looking glass :slight_smile:


Great Concept :+1:


Amazing concept and friendships!! We definitely need Oswald!!


The most precious concept of them all, Oswald

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