Bendy - March 2021 | r19 TL230 Tier List

No need to use DW when Buzz is good.


Dont use Sadness as Disgust is Good.
Dont use Any Fatigue based as Swedish is better.
What an excuse
Dont use _______ as ______ is better

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Darkwing’s shield blocks have a cooldown lol :joy:

At least Buzz’s shield bypass doesn’t


about the recommendations for invasion teams, do these teams really work?

Yes they do.

Here’s why:

For red teams, the main gimmick is Gizmo Duck. He steals armor from the bot and turns it into other stuff, mainly skill power for people behind him. This scales up so that the bigger the bot, the more he steals and gives to his team (mainly Pleakley). Because of his nerf, this only works on a red team because you need the power up flames to increase the max armor he can steal. Then everything else is either keeping gizmo Duck alive (Hades) or powering up Pleakley more (Mickey and animal).

For yellow, it’s all about Mim. Since each croc bite does a flat 25% damage, it shouldn’t take more than a few bites to ko a bot of any size, although there is a level limit so this only works on yellow teams where she can get power up flames. The rest is just a tank (and stitch) to keep her alive, elastigirl to get through reality, and animal to speed her up.

Blue is all about Pleakley. We need Mr Inc to get through armor, animal to speed him up, and kristoff to both power him up and annoy the bot. Meg is supposed to keep Mr Inc alive but I don’t have good luck with that.


thank you very much for the detailed explanation, I liked these strategies I will use them in the next invasions

whew, I haven’t checked this in a day or two, I missed a lot!

I don’t have Manticore nor do I really know what she does. In general, I very likely missed a few heist/invasion markers here and there! This is only the first iteration of my tier list, there is definitely improvements that can be made in the coming months. There’s just so many heroes now that it’s easy to miss a few things here and there. I plan to have a live stream monthly where we can discuss any changes we would like to see from month to month.

The next tier list stream I will likely have in a couple weeks once the new ranking has a little bit of time to get tested and whatnot. I have a feeling Yellow rank is going to create A LOT of changes in the coming months as the meta shifts due to battle badges


She doesn’t do enough for S, she is sort of tanky, but can deal some damage too, she just has a bit of low Hp. Though she makes up for it with her extra damage, stuns, and continuous damage… I would say she’s a bit A tier, but that’s my opinion… (Now that I say it, she reminds me of Evil Queen :thinking:)


I agree, she is A tier, at most.

I only have 1 main disagreence… I think Calhoun should be higher, even though I don’t use her, She can be relevant in a lot of situations and has great damage, not even talking about he red skill. Her only downfall for me is her Health as well…

Calhoun is very strong, can kill Maximus while studied

Well, I said that in the beginning.


Oh… I’m sorry, must have missed that…

It’s not that bad, she gains over 5M HP from red skill, she has now at max over 14 615 821 HP, this includes base HP, red skill and enh. badges.

Well, more than Kim :joy:, and similar to 2021 heroes. The key is maxed red skill.


Manticore(Mu) is very good in Heist, but more importantly, she’s kind of fun. As long as she’s one of the heroes you can summon to the fight (and you don’t even have to summon her!), she’ll instakill the entire opposing team most of the time.

One thing you need to be careful of in Heist is to always have some Fantastic damage available in any battle; Brutes are very common opponents, and having only Normal damage against one is a very frustrating way to lose a fight.


Can confirm, happened to me many, many times…

how can Calhoun kill Maximus? she dies easy and does very little damage compared to other damage heroes

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She doesn’t with her red skill, plus he said “…if studied”

We just explained it above… :confused:

Not sure… but I think @Phal meant that even if Max studies Cal she still will do a lot of damage.
She often one shot him with maxed RS.


All I meant was that she could kill Maximus while she was studied. It happened multiple times against Calhouns in campaigns (not in PvP cause I never see a well built Calhoun anywhere)

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