Blossom is coming? (Conpect)

Thanks for reminding me I Edit it to do the frendship campaign

Okay the green skill is onde per wave

And I bet when Blossom gets realeased she will be OP

…It´s super unlikely she´ll ever come

These are Blossom’s friend’s

It´s still possible but suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper unlikrely :man_shrugging:

I mean, if Disney buys WarnerMedia from AT&T and/or Discovery, maybe, but as is, no way!

I flagged you for yelling at ne

Rino wasn’t yelling :neutral_face:


Okat but he was being rude

They were being honest. Blossom isn’t coming to the game even if Disney bought the rights.


Polaris said that we can make hero conpect’s even if is not disney!

We know
But other thing is that they’ll come to the game, which is unlikely


Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah okay that was a speling mistake but why did you yell at me?

A spelling mistake you’ve made no less than 20 times, even though the green tab up top saying “Hero Concepts” is there the entire time. It’s right there. And you keep getting it wrong.

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Oh yeah, you can make concepts of anyone. I’m sorry if what I said was discouraging. If you enjoy making concepts then don’t stop!

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Thank you!

so? your not the spelling police.

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Well no but if you make an spelling mistake 20 times and you still don’t notice, someone should correct you


Well still literly that person yelled at him for the consept or however you spell it.

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