Blossom is coming? (Conpect)

You know… when you continue misspelling the word after being told the proper way to spell it, even though it was yelled at you, then I guess everyone knows what that makes you.



well i know but people don’t have to make drama. all you have to do is say the correct spelling and move on. nobody’s perfect you know.

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Oh, I know nobody is perfect, but the difference is whether or not you strive to be better or settle for being the lowest possible form of a human being because “nobody’s perfect” and never improve.


also where can i find bug reports like really when i get in the game it kicks me out.

Sounds like you have a device that can’t handle the game, I have one too. :man_shrugging:

But you’d need to make a new topic and talk about it there.


mk thanks first time being on forums usally i don’t talk and look but i thought i might talk a little bit. well going to make a new topic.

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