Blue/Belle Friendship Campaign

Here’s Blue’s second friendship campaign! Enjoy!

Campaign Name: Storybook Chaos


Allies: Finnick, Basil of Baker Street, Kida

Friend Level 1 Dialogue

Blue and Belle are now friends!

Belle: Hi there! Welcome to the library! I don’t believe I’ve seen you here before.

Blue: Yeah, I’m new around here. My name’s Blue, do you have any storybooks around?

Belle: Why yes, would you also like to read my favorite book?

Blue: I would love to!

Campaign Story: Blue and Belle team up to save their friends from within the storybooks.

Blue: Hi, Belle. I could use your help.

Belle: What can I do for you, Blue?

Belle: It’s my friends, Tickety Tock, Slippery Soap, Shovel, and Pail. I can’t find them anywhere!

Chapter 1: Lost Friends

Chapter 1-1: Belle asks Blue to explain when she last saw her friends.

Chapter 1-2: Blue tells her that she saw them this morning before she had to get ready for school.

Chapter 1-3: None were around the house when she got home. Neither were they in the backyard.

Chapter 1-4: Now that Belle thinks about it. She hasn’t seen Cogsworth, Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, or Chip.

Chapter 1-5: But before they could exit the library to find some help, a call for help was heard in the library.

Belle: Did you hear that? Someone’s calling for help.

Blue: I can hear it. But where’s it coming from?

Belle: I think it’s coming from one of the books.

Chapter 2: A Plea from the Book

Chapter 2-1: Looking down at an open book, Blue’s friend Baby Bear pops out from the book of fairy tales.

Chapter 2-2: Blue had a feeling Baby Bear was the one calling for help. So she asks her what’s wrong.

Chapter 2-3: Baby Bear explains that someone has been into her and the other fairy tale stories and is ruining everything!

Chapter 2-4: But that wasn’t all. Baby Bear tells the heroes that she also saw Blue’s and Belle’s friends being held captive in the book too.

Chapter 2-5: Baby Bear tells them to hurry before the stories are all ruined.

Belle: Oh, I wish we could help. But I have no idea HOW we’ll get into the book.

Blue: I know what to do. It’s time to skidoo!

Chapter 3: All Messed Up

Chapter 3-1: Blue introduces Belle to skidooing to other locations, such as entering books.

Chapter 3-2: Entering Storybook Forest Blue and Belle find the place in chaos.

Chapter 3-3: About three of the stories in Storybook Forest have had their endings all wrong.

Chapter 3-4: Before either can figure out where to go, Baby Bear calls out to Blue again.

Chapter 3-5: Baby Bear leads them to her house, where the inside is a mess. And Goldilocks, Mama, and Papa Bear are trapped on the floating beds.

Belle: Oh my! I don’t believe this is how the story usually goes!

Blue: No it doesn’t. Come on, we have to help Baby Bear save her Mama and Papa, and Goldilocks!

Chapter 4: Just Right

Chapter 4-1: Blue and Belle begin by pulling down the beds with Goldilocks, Mama Bear, and Papa Bear.

Chapter 4-2: Next, they fix Baby Bear’s broken chair and help them find their porridge bowls.

Chapter 4-3: With the first storybook’s ending restored. A page floated down into Belle’s hands.

Chapter 4-4: Blue takes a look and her eyes widened. It had her friend Tickety Tock on it!

Chapter 4-5: Suddenly the page glows and Tickety is set free.

Belle: Did you see that, Blue? One of your friends was sealed in a book page.

Blue: I did, but how and why is this happening?

Blue: Baby Bear said someone was messing with the endings in the storybooks.

Belle: Well, that could be a lot of people. I might have an idea of who would do something like this.

Belle: But right now, let’s find out what other stories have their endings all wrong.

Friend Level 7 Dialogue

Belle: So what did you think of the book I lent you?

Blue: Oh, it’s amazing! I never knew about that twist in chapter 3!

Belle: That part has always been my favorite. I know how you felt reading that part for the very first time.

Chapter 5: Fee Fi Fo No!

Chapter 5-1: Leaving the Bears’ home. The heroes heard thunderous footsteps.

Chapter 5-2: Jack and the Giant ran from a tall beanstalk. Both of them were panting from running.

Chapter 5-3: Jack reveals to them that someone has been up to the giant’s castle and causing chaos up there.

Chapter 5-4: Suspecting the story’s ending was messed up too. Blue and Belle climb up the beanstalk and discover creeps crashing the castle.

Chapter 5-5: Once Blue and Belle finished off the creeps, a book page with Slippery Soap was revealed.

Blue: We saved Slippery and another story!

Belle: But we’re still not close to finding out who’s changing the endings.

Blue: What I don’t understand is why they are doing this.

Belle: Perhaps the next story we save, we’ll get our answers.

Chapter 6: Big Bad Winds

Chapter 6-1: Before they could get moving, another call for help was heard.

Chapter 6-2: As they hurried to where they heard the call, a huge gust of wind pushed against the heroes.

Chapter 6-3: It wasn’t long before they found the three little pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, and the Big Bad Wolf, who was trying to hold his breath.

Chapter 6-4: Red Riding Hood explains to them that the Big Bad Wolf keeps on blowing so hard that he’s making tornados. And he’s trying all he can to stop.

Chapter 6-5: Just then, a wicked cackle was heard in the distance. A Witch on her broom with purple hair flies in to witness the chaos ensue. Belle recognizes her. Madam Mim!

Madam Mim: Oh ho ho! Every ending in this silly storybook has an awful ending! How lovely!

Belle: Madam Mim! I should’ve known she had something to do with this!

Blue: She did all this? But why?

Belle: Madam Mim always found sick pleasure in everything horrible.

Blue: How are we gonna stop her?

Belle: I think I know someone who can help.

Chapter 7: Huff or Puff?

Chapter 7-1: Belle tells Tickety Tock and Slippery Soap to find Merlin outside of the storybook.

Chapter 7-2: While Blue’s friends look for Merlin, she and Belle try to help the Big Bad Wolf.

Chapter 7-3: The Big Bad Wolf feels like he’s gonna huff and puff again. Belle tells him to keep it in.

Chapter 7-4: But it kept building up inside the wolf. If he blows, then the pig’s brick house will fall for sure!

Chapter 7-5: But just as the wolf released the tornado. It suddenly disappears.

Blue: What the…?

Madam Mim: What is this? The tornado has vanished. No matter, I’ll just have the wolf huff and puff again!

Merlin: Ahem! You’ll do no such thing, Mim!

Belle: Merlin! Just in time!

Friend Level 10 Dialogue

Belle: Blue, were you and your friends also cursed by an enchanted rose?

Blue: No. I’ve always been a blue puppy.

Blue: And as for my friends, they’ve been this way for as long as I can remember.

Belle: There are times I wonder if you and your friends also came from a storybook.

Chapter 8: Endings Restored

Chapter 8-1: Madam Mim huffs. Seeing as how Blue and Belle undid her work and brought Merlin along.

Chapter 8-2: So she decides to take them down here and now. Mim fires bolts of magic at the trio.

Chapter 8-3: Merlin counters the magic with his own. Blue and Belle helped fix the Three Little Pigs story while the battle goes on.

Chapter 8-4: Madam Mim falls off her broom and lets go of the book page containing Shovel and Pail. Blue takes it and sets them free.

Chapter 8-5: With the endings restored, the heroes skidoo out of Storybook Forest and back to the City Library. They then proceed to take Madam Mim to the CPD.

Belle: Now this adventure has one ending that I love unchanged.

Blue: You said it, Belle. Thank you so much for all your help today.

Belle: I was happy to help.

Belle: You know, I wouldn’t mind skidooing back to places like Storybook Forest again. Without any endings being changed around.

Blue: We’ll plan on that for next time.

Campaign “Storybook Chaos” complete.

“Household Friends” unlocked.


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