Bruno Madrigal - Hero Concept

Bruno Madrigal

Bruno emerges from his tower to the battlefield, scaring all enemies on the battlefield.

“I used to say my real gift was “acting””
Stars: :star2:
Role: Control
Position: Midline
Trials Team: Yellow

Basic Attack: See passive

Entrance: Bruno spawns from the ground and slowly gets up from a crouching position, afterwards taking his hood off to reveal a smile.

Victory: Bruno bends down and let’s his rats crawl on his hands, then he lifts them up high with a smile of pride.

Defeat: A pile of sand drops on Bruno, pushing him to the ground.


White Skill: The Right Vision :white_circle:
:sparkles: Fantastic
Passive: Bruno sends out one of his rats to run after a random enemy, Bruno’s rat takes X skill power and also drags in a green glass shard corresponding to his vision. Bruno can claim up to 10 green shards.

Active: Bruno grabs the frame for his vision and taunts it in the enemies face, dealing X damage to all enemies and scaring all enemies for 16 seconds.

Bruno also applies all the skill power collected to all allies for the next 10 seconds. Each green shard increases the amount of damage done and the amount of skill power given.

Green Skill: I’m Jorge :green_circle:
:sparkles: Fantastic
Bruno applies a bucket on his head, granting him X shield, the shield cannot be rushed in any way and is immune to any type of shield debuff. Bruno then rushes to the frontline and knocks into the most upfront enemy, knocking them back to the back line dealing X damage and stunning them for 10 seconds. Bruno’s courage inspires allies, giving them all a shield that blocks X damage and a 80% attack buff.

Blue Skill: A good excuse :large_blue_circle:
If enemies are scared, Bruno’s rats now take away a buff from an enemy every 5 seconds and applies it to a random ally, but the buff is boosted by 50% when applied.

Buff apply has a chance to fail against enemies above level X

Purple Skill: In-vision :purple_circle:
Scared enemies now take 50% more damage, lose 50% of their healing and only have a 75% chance to have a new buff applied to them from an ally.

This skill has a chance to fail against enemies above level X

Red Skill: My real gift was “acting” :red_circle:
:sparkles: Fantastic

“A good excuse” Now applies X damage to the enemy the buff was stolen from.

Bruno looms over all enemies always, now applying a scare to the enemies during the entire battle, but sacrificing 10% of Bruno’s max hp.

+X Max hp
+X Tenacity
+X Skill Power

Permanent scare has a chance to fail against enemies above level X


Family Dynamics

Bruno Madrigal & Alice

Every second buff applied to an enemy causes them to take 2% of their max hp as damage

Disk Power
+X damage to “The Right Vision”
+X Armor

+2% max hp damage each star.

Allies: Belle, Bo Peep, Hiro

Stone Quest

Bruno Madrigal & Ian

Every 12
seconds sacred enemies lose X max hp and take X damage

Disk Power
+X Skill Power
+X Basic Damage whenever a shield is applied to Bruno or allies

-1 second each star.

Allies: Go Go, Moana, Maui

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Nice concept bro

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Thank you!

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