Position) front line
Trial) blue
You in the suit yes you take a bath hippy
Normal attack)Carl hits the enemies with his cane
White skill-doug’s helpfulness)Carl throws a tennis ball at the enemy with the most hp after that Doug starts attacking that enemy (similar to jasmine)dealing fantastic damage
Green skill-hearing aid refresh) Carl refresh’s his hearing aid giving him 75 or more energy
Blue skill-get right up)when Carl reaches low hp he remembers Ellie and gets his attack speed up by 300% and deals 3456 damage each basic attack
Purple skill-healing aid) Carl’s hearing aid also heals himself 6754 up
Red skill-up and away) Doug’s helpfulness now does 3x damage
Entrance) Carl’s house lands on the ground and carl comes out
Defeat)Carl gets grumpy
Victory)Carl smile’s for a bit
Friend’s)mad hatter and Carl
Disk) Carl’s green skill has a chance of blinding
Carl and Belle
Disk) Carl’s white skill now stuns
Mad hatter Disk name)MD hearing aid
Belle disk name) book for old people