Challenger Seasons - Feedback Wanted!

You’ve made arena and coli fun for the players with all heroes maxxed out and completely removed the fun for us that barley can afford having 15-20 at max rank. Tnx for that…


I love the changes on everything it makes the game last longer. Can’t wait to have the ultimate Disney team.

I get less rewards, and its time consuming

It is advantageous to organize one unraised character that can save time by shortening the quick win bonus. For example, Gaston. It’s a very bad change back to its original state. Soon the Challenger defense team will be full of ungrown gastons.

Do not revive dead themes and second:
The invincibility that gaston has can be eliminated with heroes which eliminate buffs like Tron, Randall (Yz) or with stacks of fatigue, also the invincibility of Hades with his red skill is worse than gaston

If They are reviving for a gd reason then No reason to stop them :wink:
This Thread Is for Challengers Feedback so they were giving their feedback :wink:

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Well, seeing as people are commenting on this anyway.

My primary issue with challenger season is that, when all is said and done, they are completely luck based.
Unless you have EVERYONE maxed, you can easily find yourself in a situation where you don’t have good heroes for the points of that season.

That’s one of the things I liked about quick win points before the timing for them got completely absurd, they acted as a sort of equaliser, if you didn’t have heroes that get the bonus points, you could still place relatively high if you targeted the weaknesses of your enemy’s team.


You are not at the level of competing for the season champion. As you can see if you use it, Hades is easy to earn points and is not suitable for defense teams. Randall and Tron’s effects can defeat enemies, but you can’t get the perfect score with the Quick Win Bonus. You should realize that one or two are more advantageous.

After you changed the quick fight bonus ( which i actually like, but you reduced it to much)
people once again using low defs with purple/ white heros.

@Polaris u need to change something about that, that make coli /arena ridiculous.

Something i would like is a attack/per day limit, let’s say every day u get 5-10 attacks, and no more, that would make it Challenging.

I know that not gonna happen ( u need to sell extra attacks, i know)

But u need to change the thing about using low defs again.


Can you explain why people are using low def? I saw this many times wondered what can be the reason.

You get bonus pts for healing, and if the def team makes no dmg, then u don’t get pts for healing.

After they changed the score for quick fight , it’s useless to try to quick fight.

So make low def

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Oddly enough, I’ve seen only one player using a weak defense this month. And that’s playing two accounts in both Arena and Coli leagues. :man_shrugging:

Even if more people were using that strategy, I don’t see the harm in allowing it to work for one month; after all, they’re also making it easy for weaker players, who wouldn’t be able to beat all the normal, non-weak-defense teams, to rack up points and possibly climb higher than usual.

Well yes,
but in div 1 it’s a huuge difference, if everybody scores 1300 on me, and ill get from everybody 2200 pts, then there is a huge deference

Or make the bonus rule so, that low def is useless

Oh right thanks

Matchmaking needs to be seriously improved @Polaris someone with 3 million+ more power then me in my league is pretty much impossible to beat even with using counters cause they just overwhelm you pretty much so that’s the biggest thing I would like to see changed on early servers 21 and 22 with everyone so equal it’s not really an issue cause most people are in the same power league already but on older servers I rarely get top 10 cause my team is 2+ million down on everyone else

And maybe give the same rewards to top 3 and after win, they cant participate for a month (give them rewards only) so other people can win also.

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