Changes to Sign In Rewards

That is correct:

I’m curious about that as well, but I guess all we can do for now is hope for more information in the patch notes Friday.

Contest rewards as is now Aurora.
Wonder how the rank rewards in FtN are going to be changed. Or whether the entire FtN will be changed (likely not).

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WHY just why?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

We all know that this change will take effect on 1/8 but because this is a global game, the time zone will be different for everyone. And it is not the first time, sign in rewards change after people have claimed them

Normally, it is fine as the only different things are on 5th day. But as we all know, this change will be totally different

So, what I want to ask, what will happen if we log in on 1/8 and the rewards are still old? Should we claim it or wait until it changes to new version?

And if someone claims it when it is still old, will they get any compensation?

I’m from Asian, so normally, the 1st day of new month, it still shows me last month sign in rewards until afternoon

Could we have some clarification pls @loutre?

The change over will be the same.

I’m not sure if you are using the wiki, but Kuzco is a fake datamine. Please do not trust any “datamine” information.


Okay what I’m try to say is tomorrow patch notes

yes… :flying_saucer:

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estaría bien que el puerto esté abierto de Xp y Oro todos los días y que nos dieran mas Fichas de heroes es acojonante esperar 3 días o 4 para subir la habilidad roja de un heroe sí ya tienes que usar 16 o 17 fichas de heroes… :dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face:

Why don’t you leave the monthly Level cap increase and concentrate on other things in the game? But that will break the economy right? :roll_eyes:

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Sure bro. There’s emotes and everything :rofl:

Amigo tengo un problema con el juego:
Yo tengo varias cuentas en diferentes servidores, todas están en mi misma cuenta de Google play, pero hoy me ha pasado que 2 de mis 7 cuentas que uso frecuentemente ya no aparecen, no si es problema del juego o de e Google play, me podrías ayudar?

Ah ok I forgot I work at PerBlue and know all the heroes coming. Kuzco is not coming.

I don’t normally comment on and usually cannot comment on heroes specifically coming to the game, but this one has been floating around for months now and I hate seeing you guys getting your hopes up for a hero who is not coming to the game.


What do you mean that Kuzco’s is not mean please do not chancel that hero

I thought you said you do not work with Perblue and making the heroes too

I am the lead of the community team at PerBlue. I very much work at PerBlue.

This day is surely full of surprises. :laughing:


Amigo cómo puedo recuperar las cuentas que tenía

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