Closed Threads

Big fan of Elliot’s work.


As I said above, we aren’t always able to discuss things more in-depth specifically regarding deals. We give the feedback and share with the team how people are upset. I see Elliot gave what they are able to share and then let you know in the next response that we appreciate the feedback. We cannot discuss much regarding deals, but we read and share the feedback.


I hear ya, Loutre. A man can but tow the party line. But human to human, you can see why folks are miffed, right?


I have question… It was stated that deals are based on the person’s level, length of time playing, VIP level etc. I have been playing since beta and am well inside the top 100 on server 1. Why am I getting deals for Vanelope and Ralph chips? Surely anyone playing my length would not need these resources.


I can share this with our liveops team, but I unfortunately will not have a response that I can share with you here.

Well that is frustrating, once again

Unfortunately, this is just going to be the response regarding a lot of the deals questions/feedback. There is not much I am able to share with you guys more than I already have (which I know is not a lot). Your feedback is absolutely being heard and sent to the team, but there is not anything more I am able to do/share for/with everyone here. I very much understand the frustration.


Do your best, that’s all we ask. Let the sounds of player disgruntlement echo though the halls of PB HQ. Loutre, my Loutre. Captain, my captain. Champion of the humble player.

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Reading the response "The system does cycle through items at different price points. So you will eventually see one for the items you want at a price point you prefer. :slight_smile: " confirms for me that it is indeed a PWYC model. Good.

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How great it’s nowhere near the truth as cosmetic crates, mission speed-ups, shop refreshes, double drops bags and so on are gone from a regular basis, and the first two are just near impossible.

They were given in a huge amount in Trial Events… which leads me to the question… can we see the rewards from Dulled Damage Trial again soon @Loutre? Please.

So whales can get quick disks? Hah, nope. Pretty balanced for everyone.

On most of my accs I have like 20+ refreshes. They are pretty useless now.

Well, they weren´t offered nearly as much in the past either.

Said above why.

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That is not true. I used to have the db drop bag deal probably weekly. I stopped buying it when I hit around 140. I still got it occasionally after that. The system is not working. It just doesn’t make sense. People don’t get what they need. The only thing that seems to be consistant is if you spend you get junk deals

I would use these all the time. I used to have a really supply of them but unfortunately that have dwindled. I would use them constantly if I had more.

I bought 20 in October 2020 for 5 euros. I still got 5. And had 9 since like May…

For what reason? Now garbage in Mega Mart? (Even then I´d only use the refreshes on FtN, if I have nothing to spend diamonds on.)

I use in mega and black markets and in Memory market. I give spars so I need both discs on multiple heroes

So you are “technically forced to” (aka you are not, but you want to be always available) raise all heroes.

It ‘confirms’ nothing. It’s a copy and paste reply to a commonly asked question. It ‘confirms’ something which cannot legitimately be proven. I base my opinion that ‘These deals do not ‘cycle through’’ on the fact that I have a weak accounts on S1 & S2 and a whale one on S1. And the good deals only cycle to the ones I don’t spend on. My ‘whale’ account is regularly offered half the stam at twice the price of my other two accounts.

Quoting things that weren’t typed? Not entirely helpful here.

You have never tried to buy anything on the “weak accounts”. They get similar deals after 3 weeks to make sure they catch up to whales. Whilst “unfair” for whales, it is appropriate strategy for a business to have an even place.

At this point any bicker is really just “the deals are so bad” or “we want deals those newbs have”. Simply… you won´t. Why would the developer want you to make a break for it if they want to level the place? :man_shrugging:


And you say it´s not true? If you are providing a service to your guild, aren´t you mind-driven to raise every character and their disk?

It will never be level, though, will it? It is A/ impossible. And B/ not their ambition.

Their ambition, in my humble opinion, is not for it to be level playing field for all. Why would they care? Their ‘ambition’ is to sucker more people into spending. And if you don’t spend, they try and coax you in with a ‘gateway’ deal. The bottom line is profit. Not players having a level playing field :rofl:.

They offer the whales inferior deals because they think they’re ‘good for it’. But never has the difference between good and bad deals been as notable as it is now. I’ve never given deals a second thought until recently.

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