

Would it be possible to get an update on the current circumstance of server 2 and 4? I believe Per Blue has always been under vocal with this community especially during times of unrest. We are all waiting as patiently as possible for your next update but nothing has been posted. Any chance to get a vague roadmap to know what to expect? Thanks in advance


This is a quote from the 1.8.B patch notes. They will update them as soon as they can. As a S4 player I know all to well the frustration as well but we need to have patience. Presumably we will get an update once one of the following happens:

  1. Invasion gets a full release
  2. S3 gets the 2nd revision of Invasion so that they get 110 and O4.
  3. People stop getting their knickers in a bunch and learn to not constantly breathe down PB’s necks.

Alright so maybe that 3rd option is hyperbole and not a requirement of the update being ready, but seriously people. Patience is a virtue.


@Polaris Patience is great and all, but Server 2 is bored out of their minds right now. We have watched as many of our friends have quit the game over the past 4-5 months. The game is stale and has been for months. New toons and cap rises are a temporary band-aid. Guild War was the last truly “new” addition to the game
5 months ago. If Invasion doesn’t live up to the hype, there will be many, many more that leave.

Even if Invasion is the best thing since sliced bread, I truly hope PB goes back to the drawing board and completely rethinks Guild War. Posters, crummy rewards, and facing the same 4-5 guilds over and over again
this excites no one. This game mode has so much potential but truly needs variation
and a lot of it. Take another look at the other game modes while you are at it.

Right now you are seeing top 20 guilds that can’t stay full and hanging onto a few players that aren’t playing much. That is truly sad, especially for a game that is sitting on a gold mine of potential. This isn’t about the 6th star, lack of new toons, or pace of cap rises at this point. It is boredom.

I would argue that we have been patient
overly patient. If PB wants to continue getting our time, attention, and yes, money, they need to do a better job than they’ve done so far. The game was fresh and fun when we all started playing. Right now, many are only staying because of the friends they’ve made along the way. Time to inject some fresh and fun back into the game
we hope Invasion does that, but we also hope PB considers refreshes to other game modes too.


Sure, you can have ‘some’ patience. You’re not getting any more money until some life is pumped into this dead game, though.

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One must remember that Invasion was originally released on S1 with batch 1.6 amd S3 got it on 1.8 along with Invasion 2.0 for S1 on Mar 18. The time between being exactly 2 months. Now obviously since Invasion 1.0 has already been tested once then this shpuld reduce the wait time. Even if it reduces the wait by half than that will be a 1 month wait of which we are currently on Day 10. Patience is different from person to person but we have to trust that PB will release the next update to S2-4 in a timely manner. They want to get as much information as possible to avoid a repeat of other questionable launches that happened with Heist and War. Until then we just need to wait and stockpile for when the update eventually drops.

All your points are valid and are already known. It’s been awhile and unlike every other server, we are at a standstill. It would be great customer support to keep us experiments informed. Most top 10 guilds are struggling to stay full and it would be nice to have something from the developers. Instead, as usual, @Polaris won’t comment or inform as per standard. It’s not an odd request to ask for an update a week out.


@Polaris Trust and respect are built and earned over time. You communicate with your player base. You lay out plans and expectations. You follow through.

This sounds simple enough. But that good will can quickly evaporate. Surprising your player base with a 6th star. Raising the cap level quickly in successive months, then saying updates will slow down, only to keep the same schedule in the following months. Nerfing characters without saying anything in update notes. Raising the gold cost to skill your players up. Raising the XP cost to level them up. Quietly changing the war matchmaking system. These types of behavior erode trust.

Everyone is well aware of Per Blue’s response to our inquiries about Invasion, I know Logik certainly is. A little follow up on Per Blue’s part, again, would go a long way.

“Trusting in Per Blue” is easier said than done at the moment.

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Nice to see many top players in Server 2 here and just know you guys in top guild have the same feeling and problem about recruitment like us (currently top 15 guild)

Currently I keep to play because of my guild and with Champion role, I cant quit (although I really want to quit) when our guild facing many problem, our top player in guild Penjunzee quit game 3 weeks and currently we need to keep 5 dead accounts cause cant recruitment more, also cant do any action when member havent participated in war/surge.

Hope new change will come soon and our guild can be great again :sweat_smile:


I guess the truth hurts
so your post gets hidden?

The supplier/consumer relationship is built on give and take in BOTH directions. Consumers are still giving - feedback, time, money, suggestions - and the supplier is only taking what they want from that and giving the same product back.
I get that someone (or ones) gets the eye-rolling job of skimming through the forums and deciding which posts are worthy of reply, but many of these post have common and overlapping complaints. I don’t get how it’s unrealistic to expect that maybe once a week or so, @polaris could send a "community update* responding to the most common complaints, even if just to say, “we are aware, but we have x, y, and z on the table, so we plan to finish those before we revisit d.” Will this response appease most? Of course not, but it could eliminate off-shoot threads like this where consumers just give you a hard time.
I like surprises. I don’t mind that other than FTN, we don’t know what the upcoming contest is. I like the thought of announcing a new toon is coming, without telling us who, what and all the meta breakdown; but if you announce, the when should be included. Many don’t agree with this, and i have no problem with forewarning on the details either.
However, toon adaptations should be better handled.
If you supply a product that you feel is broken or not as intended, you fix it quickly, not weeks later when your customers have invested in it. If the community complains that a toon is too strong or uncounterable, you create or update an existing toon to counter; you do not break the consumer’s investment.
We get PB is a for-profit organization, and we are paying for entertainmant. We expect that you keep us entertained or at least let us know you’re trying. Money usually walks before it talks. Some of us are giving you an opportunity.

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