Custom Hero Filter Ordering Display Feedback

Unfortunately I get the impression that this is not a “filter” (as written in the title) but a pure “sorting”.

Since these are not the same it would be very disappointing

@Polaris, Maybe you can clarify that again?

Sorting (order) unfortunately no longer helps with the mass. A filter (certain selection) would be a better choice.

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It is a filter. Look at the on and off buttons :neutral_face:

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It is a filter. The screenshot shows all the things you can filter by. We are asking what sorting is preferred for showing you the different filter options.


700th vote and 20th like :smirk:

~§Q :snowflake:

Is that something we need to know cause I do not think it is.

Hopefully the display that wins is the most useful. :slightly_smiling_face:

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This announcement keeps on making my chat menu have an alert every time it refreshes, even when I have already read it and submitted my answer. The red dot (exclamation) only goes away if I force close the app and then restart it, but as soon as the announcement refreshes again, the red dot reappears and does not go away. Please fix!

To be completely honest, I think this feature won’t improve sorting all that much, there are other sort options that should have been investigated/implemented as a higher priority,

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They have other sorting things coming as well most likely, they are just asking for feedback here :-).

But technically this isn;'t a sorting option and more so a filter option as you filter specifically to what you are looking for.

If might be better in another topic so you know as this is for a specific topic, but yeah I think I understand what you mean and I agree that it would be a decent feature :-).

Love this ideal and What about a filter for characters abilities like stun freeze Etc.

We need a way to sort out the heroes with a red dot, so we don’t have to keep searching through all the heroes to find it

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@Polaris I think the sort should include a flip side to it, from what we see there is a page for buffs but itd be a good idea to include debuffs and negative status effects such as knockback and silence so you can group heroes with knockback and easier spot potential interesting combinations

You added in Portal Quest an input field to enter the name of the hero and a star to mark a hero as a favorite.
Everyone is working on a certain roster of heroes that are used by default for certain game modes.
Usually you already know the stats of the heroes you are working on. That’s why you chose them in the first place.


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Please and very much support this idea! Thank you for suggesting it!!!

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I think this is the biggest problem to fix:

I keep checking everyone with the fushchia ! to find out if they can equip new badges and they never can, it’s just telling me I can upgrade mods.
The mod upgrade notification needs to be removed so this stops happening.

And we still need to hide unwanted heroes, there are those in my collection I never ever want to look so only the ones I actively use are visible.


This is not the right topic to request characters.

Simple solution: Click this button

I don’t think that’ll remove the notification. :sweat_smile:

Tilarta, to remove the ‘!’ you gotta pretend that you’re gonna advance a mod, by pressing the advance button, and immediately exit as it’ll trick the game into thinking that you advanced that mod even though you actually didn’t. Though, it could be possible that the ‘!’ is telling you to equip a mod. :thinking:

I know but at least you´ll know that the notification isn´t for a badge :P

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