Cute and Cuddly, Boys, Cute and Cuddly - Unlikely Concept

The Penguins of Madagascar


“Just smile and wave, boys, smile and wave.”

These four penguins may look cute and cuddly, but don’t be fooled by appearences. They’ll hit when you least expect it, and then vanish without a trace. You didn’t see anything…

The Penguins are front-line damage heroes

Trial Team: Blue

Stars: :star:


Entrance: The Penguins slide to their position, then they get ready to fight.

Victory: The Penguins high five, then Rico regurgitates a gas bomb and they disappear.

Defeat: The Penguins make sad expressions.

Basic Attack: See Passive.


White Skill: Kaboom!

:fist: Normal Damage

Passive: As basic attack, Skipper Kowalski and Rico slap close enemies, dealing Y damage with each hit, while Private smiles and waves, healing the penguins for X HP and granting them 60 additional energy.

Active: Rico regurgitates a dynamite stick, then he lights it and throws it at enemies, dealing Y damage to enemies is an area and increasing the cooldown of Green and Blue skills by 10 seconds to enemies damaged by this skill. Damage from this skill cannot be dodged or reflected.

The Cooldown increase has a chance to fail on enemies above level Z.

Green Skill: Kowalski, Analysis


Kowalski reads his notebook, removing all stacks of Hardy from enemies and “Analyzing” them for 12 seconds.

Analyzed enemies are studied, and take 75% additional damage from the Penguins.

This skill has a chance to fail on enemies above level Z.

Blue Skill: My Own Options


:fist: Normal Damage

Skipper slides through the enemy team, dealing X damage to each enemy hit and knocking them back. Skipper can hit enemies multiple times until they reach the end of the battlefield.

Purple Skill: You Didn’t See Anything

Analyzed enemies damaged by “Kaboom!” are Blinded for 15 seconds. This Blind ignores Tenacity and Evasion.

The blind has a chance to fail on enemies above level Z.

Red Skill: Cute and Cuddly

“Kowalski, Analysis” and “My Own Options” now grant the Penguins 250 energy. “My Own Options” also increases the Penguins’ Basic Damage by Z for 12 seconds.

Analyzed enemies deal 60% less damage to the Penguins.

The damage reduction has a chance to fail against enemies above level Z.

Additional Stat Boosts:
+Z Basic Damage
+60 Armor Negation
+Z Damage from “Kaboom!”

X = Skill Power; Y = Basic Damage; Z = Level Cap


The Penguins - Kim Possible
Mission Accomplished
Steal Energy
Allies: Maximus, Hector Barbossa, Robin Hood
Friendship Campaign: Into The Lair

  • +Z Basic Damage
  • Analyzed enemies lose Z Skill Power
  • The Penguins steal 5% (+5% per additional star) of the energy gained by Analyzed enemies

The Penguins - Finnick
Fishy Business
"My Own Options" slows enemies
Allies: King Louie, Swedish Chef, Tia Dalma

  • +Z Skill Power
  • +Z Armor
  • +Z Reality
  • Every time an enemy is damaged by “My Own Options”, their attack and movement speed is reduced by 4% (+4% per additional star) for 8 seconds

Really hope y’all like it! :grin:

Also I was thinking about writing the two friendship campaigns for this concept. What do you think?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Hilarious. I normally do not like DreamWorks anything, but this is funny!


I like the Penguins


I wanna like this concept again and again and again!

One of the best concepts I’ve seen in a while!


The greatest idea! Can’t wait :wink:

Wonderful concept! :fish:


Thanks everyone :grin:

Actually I already have the Kim one in mind, will probably type it tomorrow since it’s kinda late here.

I’m missing some parts for the Finnick one so it may take a bit longer :upside_down_face:


A meme concept… I’m satified


This is amazing! I love Madagascar and the penguins are some of my favorite characters ever. They’re so fun and you incorporated that perfectly here. I would love to see the Kim friendship btw. That sounds perfect. :+1:


The perfect concept doesn’t exi…


So true. so true…

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Because Madagascar is for Dremworks

And DreamWorks is just as good as Disney. Period

I like Madagascar


Same. Who doesn’t? 3 is one of my favorite movies ever.

You put memes in there. Very classic!

Just smile and wave boys smile and wave

Like imagineer not fan of dream work ether but your character concept is amazing,:+1: but my favorite DW movie is spirit


I like your concept. The movie itself is awesome and you made its concept more awesome.

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