The Penguins/Kim Possible Friendship Mission: Into The Lair

Hi everyone!

So, yesterday I posted my unlikely concept for the Penguins of Madagascar, and then asked if y’all would like to also see the story for the friendship missions. Most people liked the idea, so here is the first one of the two missions. It’s my first time writing a friendship campaign, so I’m really sorry if anything doesn’t make sense or is out of character. Hope you enjoy :grin:

The Penguins and Kim Possible are now friends!

Kim Possible: Hey, you’re those penguins I saw taking out that creep horde the other day. That was impressive!
Kowalski: …
Skipper: You didn’t see anything…
Kim Possible: …okay then.

Friendship Campaign “Into The Lair” started!

Skipper: Kowalski, analysis.
Kowalski: We still have no idea what this place is, or how we got here, and we’re running low on supplies.
Skipper: Tell me something I don’t know.
Kowalski: You’re about to be sliced by that ninja.
Private: Look out, Skipper!

Episode 1: Nefarious Analysis

1-1: Private hits the ninja just before it can slice Skipper, but more creeps arrive.
1-2: Kowalski starts blasting them by using Rico as a bazooka.
1-3: Meanwhile Skipper and Private defeat as many creeps as they can with their fighting skills.
1-4: The battle soon seems to be over, but a Ghoul manages to grab Skipper at the last moment.
1-5: Kim Possible, who was nearby, notices the scene and saves the penguin just in time.

Skipper: That was close. Thanks Kim.
Kim Possible: No big! Helping people - or penguins - is my job. If only finding Drakken was this easy…
Private: Who?
Kim Possible: Dr. Drakken, my arch-nemesis. My friend Wade suspects he’s up to something, so I have to find the secret lair he built somewhere in the city. Unfortunately, I haven’t been very lucky so far.
Skipper: Allow us to help you find him.
Kim Possible: Would you?
Skipper: Affirmative. It’s the least we could do after you saved me.
Kim Possible: Great! Let’s start searching then.

Episode 1 “Nefarious Analysis” complete!

Episode 2: Look For The Lair

2-1: With the Penguins helping her, Kim is confident finding Drakken’s lair will be a lot easier.
2-2: Kowalski suggests they may go search in the Black Market district, and Kim agrees.
2-3: They head to the Black Market district, where they start looking for clues.
2-4: They search for about an hour, only to conclude Drakken’s lair is nowhere near.
2-5: They’re about to leave, when Kim spots Drakken passing by on his flying car.

Kim Possible: That’s Drakken!
Skipper: Let’s follow him, he may lead us to his lair.

Episode 2 “Look For The Lair” complete!

Episode 3: Drakken Found

3-1: Hiding in the alleys, Kim and the Penguins follow Drakken through multiple districts.
3-2: He stops by an electronics shop. Kim wonders what her nemesis wants to do in there.
3-3: Before they can investigate further, the alley is filled with creeps.
3-4: Together, Kim and the Penguins defeat the horde in no time.
3-5: Unfortunately, they’re not quick enough. When they’re done, Drakken is already gone.

Kim Possible: Great, we lost him.
Kowalski: Actually, we didn’t.
Kim Possible: What do you mean?
Kowalski: While we were fighting those creeps, I applied a micro-transmitter to the rear of Drakken’s flying machine, because I sort of expected this outcome.
Kim Possible: So now we can follow the signal from distance… great idea!

Episode 3 “Drakken Found” complete!

Episode 4: Follow The Signal

4-1: Lead by Kowalski, the heroes follow Drakken around the city for about half an hour.
4-2: At last, the signal stops where there seems to be only an abandoned warehouse.
4-3: They see two of Drakken’s henchmen enter the building and then close the door behind them, so they’re sure to have found the secret lair.
4-4: Making sure that nobody can see them, they get in front of the door.
4-5: Kim tries to open the door, but it’s locked from the inside.

Kim Possible: Do you have anything to open this door?
Rico: Kaboom?
Skipper: Not yet, Rico. Now, give me a lock pick.

Chapter 4 “Follow The Signal” complete!

Episode 5: Not-So-Secret Lair

5-1: Much to Rico’s demise, Skipper skillfully opens the door with the lock pick.
5-2: Kim walks inside the building, with the Penguins behind her.
5-3: While walking through the hall, they hear Drakken’s evil laughter coming from an open door nearby.
5-4: They hide behind the door and take a look inside the room.
5-5: The room is filled with Drakken’s henchmen, and he is standing in front of a strange looking machine.

Kowalski: According to my knowledges, that machine is capable of altering cognitive functions of living beings, thus potentially leading them to believe that he is their overlord.
Kim Possible: Uh…
Kowalski: He can use it to brainwash people and rule the city.
Skipper: Well now that’s bad, isn’t it?

Episode 5 “Not-So-Secret Lair” Complete

Episode 6: Destroy The Machine

6-1: It is very clear that, in order to stop Drakken, they need to destroy his machine.
6-2: The Penguins wonder how to make Drakken get away from it.
6-3: Kim knows Drakken very well, so a plan quickly comes to her mind.
6-4: She tells the Penguins about her plan, and they all agree it’s the best solution.
6-5: Leaving the Penguins behind her, Kim jumps inside the room to face her arch-nemesis.

Kim Possible: Stop right there, Drakken.
Dr. Drakken: Kim Possible, here?! How did you find my secret lair???
Kim Possible: I have my ways.
Dr. Drakken: Anyway, you won’t stop my evil plan this time. Get her!

Episode 6 “Destroy The Machine” complete!

Episode 7: Kim’s Plan

7-1: Drakken’s henchmen start approaching Kim. She gets ready to fight.
7-2: With a well placed kick, she takes out the first one, then immediately dodges a hit from another one.
7-3: As more of them attack her, she decides it’s the right moment to carry her plan out.
7-4: After defeating some more henchmen, she fakes a fall. They immediately grab her by her arms.
7-5: Delighted, Drakken gets close to her to laugh in her face.

Dr. Drakken: Ha! You’re not so tough, without that friend of yours! What was his name…
Kim Possible: Bold of you to assume I didn’t just let them get me, Drakken.
Skipper: Rico, kaboom.

Episode 7 “Kim’s Plan” complete!

Episode 8: Kaboom!

8-1: Just as Drakken turns around and notices the Penguins, Rico throws his dynamite stick at the machine.
8-2: With a scream, Drakken attempts to stop them, but he’s too late.
8-3: The machine explodes, causing the whole structure to fall apart.
8-4: Drakken’s henchmen escape the building, leaving Kim free to reach the Penguins in a safe spot.
8-5: They look around for Drakken, and see him on his flying car.

Dr. Drakken: Don’t you think it’s over, Kim Possible! I will get my revenge!
Kim Possible: sighs Thanks for the help, guys.
Skipper: No problem. It was a pleasure to fight that Dr. Drakken alongside you, Kim.
Kim Possible: Hey, I have an idea. What if we all go eat at Bueno Nacho now? Tell me, have you ever tried a naco?
Rico: NACO???

Friendship campaign “Into The Lair” complete!

Feedback (also about the formatting) is very appreciated :grin:


This is adorable and I LOVE it!

Just one thing: isn’t Private the penguin who says “Kaboom?” in the meme?


Nope, it’s Rico


This is so great!

It was very nice reading it.


Just double checked and you’re right. I admittedly don’t know my penguins very well. :man_shrugging:


I need to read more of your friendship campaigns!


A very good story!! And you put in more effort than PB does with their latest friend campaigns (only 1 description per chapter) :joy:


Now I kind of want to try this same thing with the friendship campaigns I came up with for my own concepts…


Yes, now I want to make my Fred - Mushu campaign
I mean is named: Fake dragon. :joy:


Same, this is such a great creative idea more people could do. I think we all love following along the friendship campaigns


I like this friendship campaigns

Actually, no. Rico said kaboom in the meme

Rico: Kaboom? Skipper: Yes Rico kaboom

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