DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

I can’t see why Baloo is the worst tank in the game, I use him in basically all my teams,
even if his Swinging Party is bugged. And I don’t know why everyone thinks Maximus is S-Tier.


Insane Health combined with Insane damage, a Self Heal, and a Team Basic Damage buff, how can’t he be a S-Tier? (This is about Maximus)

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I’m assuming this

Was about Maximus…

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Yeah, sorry I didn’t specify.

Baloo actualmente tiene un bug que hace que la duración de su baile se reduzca a 2 de 12 segundos. Eso literalmente destroza al personaje, ya que 3 de las 5 habilidades que tiene se enfocan en su baile

Si, basicamente por eso es de los peores heroes, hasta que arreglen su baile lo será.
Y bienvenido a los foros! :grin:

I have to disagree Violet isn’t Bad Violet lasts a long time in the fight so Violet is still good to use

Slinky is far better at providing shield support than Violet. I’d even say Baymax might provide better shields than Violet (albeit possibly less frequently than her).

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You know what, I’m gonna STOP using Maximus from now on, imma show everyone there are other tanks out there

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Its not like I’m saying that Maximus is a obligatory tank to use, but is easier tank to use than some other tanks out there.
I don’t use Maximus myself, but he’s seen so frequently in Arena, Colisseum, Surge and City Watch that it became somewhat easy to deal with him

But in the end, how good is a tank depends on your team mostly.


Thank you for this detailed write up. But what does the [x] and underline Next to Cheshire and Bunsen mean?


I’m pretty sure it means they are over s tier and need a nerf. And welcome to the forums


I see thank you!

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How does mentioning someone count as someone is coming?


Not necessarily. You are jumping to conclusions.


No it doesn’t… also if it’s part of mother topic reply to that topic

I’m going to be very blunt here: although I don’t see any major reason why this comment specifically might be flagged, asking people to not report your comment isn’t going to just magically prevent them from reporting it.


It got flagged because it has absolutely nothing to do with the Tier List


I’m trying to make teams of the S-tier heroes, but I’m a bit stuck, and I thought it would be nice if we share our best S-Tier teams. Me right now, I have Maximus, Shan Yu, Jim Hawkins, and Ian but it is hard deiced, who should be my fifth hero. Also, I think Slinky, Mulan, and Fear in one team would be great. What do you guys think?
I have at least three lineups so for Coliseum.
Team 1 has Maximus, Pleakley, and Mulan. Plekley is there for study that decreases damages to Max. for supplies it would be one of them that can make shields like Shang, Jim, or Fear for Mulan. I haven’t really chosen which control hero I should go.
Team 2 is Clawhauser, Kronk, and Lock Shock and Barrel, I don’t really have in mind for the two damages deals should be but I got Disgust and Amelia on it.
Team 3 is Ian, Kristoff, Honey Lemon, King Louie, and Sadness since I don’t have any more S-tire tanks. All of them slower enemies with the last longer with Kristoff and Louie deals more damages to them.

I would kick Shan, he is good only against shield teams.

Add Slinky and Fear.

In future if possible work on another support such like Kermit, Timon or Shang. Shang is the most universal support.

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