DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

Speaking of Kermit, don’t use him against Magica (Me).

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I love this list as it helps me know the best heroes to forces on, but I would like to know what makes them S-tier worthy. Maybe a different forum that talks about what makes them so great. Just a thought, feel free to post what makes one of the S-tier so great? Like Dash is a hero, I don’t understand why he is there since he seems to die very quickly.

I have to disagree that Merida is not bad, she attacks very fast and freezes with the elastigirl disk, so Merida is still good to use

The amount of damage she does matters too. She only has a decent chance to crit, and her armor shreds are very small too.


She’s also very frail, can’t do anything against disables and is very slow before blue triggers…


Why? What happens?

Magica reduces damage from invisible or invincible heroes with Megavolt disk, and invincibility is Kermit’s specialty

Oh okey, i know her disk but never worked stars bc thought it was really bad. Thanks

I disagree, basil is awesome when paired with maximus, but study to get him to use his white skill faster, pair them with Ian, angel and Gerald and you have an awesome team.

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That post was 29 days ago. His White Skill can be good in certain situations but his other skills and his stats are pretty bad too.

Welcome to forums!


Where is the updated level list? I don’t see Hamm anywhere

He is S tier.

Tier list will be updated after 2.6.10

And baloo is still down in D-Tier. 100 days later…

Was it always bugged or did it break in a previous update?

Wait, Baloo has been bugged for that long? I feel like I only heard about it last month.

But it’s been a thing for longer than I’ve even been playing DH:BM?!

Since release, but got worse.


Ohhh I see now.

If you want to see hamm, then go on sign in

They meant the tier list. :man_facepalming:


The tier list should be updated when hamm came

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