DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

I still don’t understand why they say Baloo is bugged… he seems to work just fine in all teams I use him in and his white skill always last the full 12 seconds. Is it only on certain servers (I’m in S21) or only in certain modes that I’m not checking? Sorry for the post again but I’m just trying to understand.

the game has just been updated, it’s time to update the tier list

Patience. Wasabi just got released and Mim just got refreshed yesterday so Musk might take some time testing them.


Looking forward to the update! Need to make some team changes soon.

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is the list getting updated soon


Yes, in March most likely.


Vaya, hombre. Y yo esperando a que se actualizase este mes :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Al que hizo esta lista:
No se vaya, hombre! A Kim le harán un refresh en la 2.7.10 gracias a los votos de los jugadores. Nuestro sueño se ha hecho realidad!!

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Unfortunely Updated

Update 2.7

  • Added Hamm, Wasabi, Rocketeer and Mr. Big
  • Some hero movements
  • Thanks, Kim is trash!

Isn’t he a tank?

And does it really matter what disk you give Kim? She’s bad either way.

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But still, Joy disk is better. With a lot of counters…

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Huh. I guess I assumed he was a tank.

Did you drop Tron to A bc of Madam Mim?

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This, and it’s hard for him to keep up removing buffs from enemies, mostly by Kermit, not much healing and doing nothing against Timon.
Only green skill saves him as for now.

Is Wasabi still broken even after his Syndrome disk cap?

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It did nothing to him in PVP modes, the cap only made him useless for invasion.


Wasabi is still broken…

Also just saying but Kim is bad but not worse than Aladdin. He literally is the one who does less damage than her

(Oh and why is the Cat still underlined?)

Well, Aladdin has armor negation, crit damage, and tenacity. Kim has none of those.

And Cheshire can still toss his head to disintegrate anything it touches.

Huge negation, crit chance and crit damage. Disable immunity. Good disks…
Green skill has base damage same as Kim, but with all the stats it does way bigger damage, same for other skills.

Cheshire still has effective stats which make him able to kill enemies just as before.

It’s around 1/3 of Kim’s actually…

Yeah, he’s not like broken though. He’s very easy to stop

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