DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

That is an enemy Sparrow. What works against player Sparrow works against that one as well. Disables…

Wait, is this a general tier list for all modes, or for PVP?

The tier list is based on the player version of the character in terms of potential/strength, the enemy version have extra boosts skill wise that the player version of the characters doesn’t have.

Even if it is for all modes, you can NEVER judge a character by one presence as an enemy in Trials!

Those Trials enemies are cheating. They have higher blue and purple skills. All skills with the same level.
Lvl90 Jack would in player´s hand have 90/90/70/50 skills.
Lvl90 enemy Jack has 90/90/90/90 skills! Whole lot of BD more. Making him stronger.

Interesting. Even though some heroes work better than others, I always take my time to research what heroes I want to work on.

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Sparrow gain energy really fast while shielded, has great negation, super crits and has some crit damage, Cannonballs can do 10M each and it’s 12 of them.
His damage is great, but lack of tenacity/evasion brings him down to lower A places.
He is also BD version of (Nick)battery.

Yeah with +130 Purple levels he can…

With +0 he´s low B at best… that´s called dedication.

Dosen’t the purple skill only grant allies basic damage?

Him as well.

Allies usually includes the character unless specifically stated.

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No, that’s just maxed RS.

I see. Underlined heroes are broken, right? How come Dash is underlined, even though he is counterable?

Because Musk thinks he is utterly broken :roll_eyes: Afterall, tierlists are personal opinions. You can agree or disagree.

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Maxed RS Jack can deal 6.8M/shot. Without bonus levels.
71% armor negation at Y2 enhanced.
He has no protection, so just disable him and he does nothing.

[ :o: ]

Dash has really high stats, all of them, especially negagion, so even armor buffs aren’t that -good-.

Dash also destroyed and made any shield heroes useless, and definitely forget about using shield mod upgrades…

I’ve counted super crit… so rather different mods than you’re using.
(The easy way)

Because everyone uses Dash on defense… :roll_eyes: And who would use shield teams on offense anyway?

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Nobody now! Thanks to broken Dash!

that is with super crit my dude… true it has some + in RS

When you think about it, using shield teams on offense is pointless anyway since shields = protection and protection = defense. :man_shrugging:

And I hardly ever see Dash in Arena/Coli defenses.

And also this is just your continuation of Discord rant HERE.

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This is from the campaign specifically:

Here are a player version of Swedish Chef:

Here is an enemy version of Sadness:

As you can see enemy version of Sadness has this skill wise:
White Skill: 222
Green Skill: 222
Blue Skill: 222
Purple Skill: 222
Red Skill: 102

My Swedish Chef:
White Skill: 240
Green Skill: 240
Blue Skill: 220
Purple Skill: 200
Red Skill: 1


So White to Purple for enemy characters are set to be possible to have all equal level, which the player version can’t.
The Red skill thankfully isn’t set to 222 to like the other skills, but it is at 102 which would be what a maxed Red Skill would be for a level 222, so the enemy version of characters can activate their Red skill at max power which at least for most players is really hard as the Red skill are so expensive Hero Chip wise.

While this conversation has maybe passed now, I thought I explain and compare so that people can more so visually see it :-).

And yeah, while I can accept the Red skill being set at max level as that’s possible for a player technically, I think the fact that the enemy versions’s Blue and Purple skill can go over the levels the player version of a character isn’t exactly 100% fair necessarily, specially not in the Friend Campaign with being forced to use specific characters,
I can accept it for the Elite campaign, the normal campaign I am torn on, but given the rapid power increase due to the newer characters being so much stronger I am leaning towards that they shouldn’t have the unfair skill boost for the Blue and Pueple skills.

So yeah, thoughts on this?


She is quite slow, literally, and her HP and tenacity isn’t good (for tank!).
She can do some damage… but it can be reduced easily due to her lack of negation and crit chance.
B tier.

Quorra, already told before, but just to add, she finally has working negation with Y2.

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