DHBM Hero Tier List [Update 6.4] + More

And as said. Now Live.

Welcome to tier list of update 2.4.01 (eh, why this even came?).

  • Added Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker
  • Moved around (up) some heroes with new red skills
  • Moved around (down) heroes which are based on studies (geez, PB, thanks a lot)
  • New feature: Heroes with darker red, underline, and [X] are classified as the most broken heroes which should be nerfed

Can i ask u something…? Is Gizmoduck disk better for dr bh and b than yzma…?

ANYWAYS, wheres Manticore?

He probably didn’t test her well yet. Same for Disgust.

Anyway tbh Kim from S to B bc of B&B seems a bit too much to me. Sure she lost the main power of her disk, but I still think she has a really useful skillset, at least it’s been useful to me so far


The main power of her overall!
The skills are outdated by 17 months, armor negation doesn’t work and evasion unchanged, making it just low. Red skill is fully around studies, so it becomes completely useless, pretty bad for red skills as it takes 5 months to max! Even without Beaker she would fall to A tier, but the release of the duo just pushed her even further.
All other study heroes will face the same, Barbossa without study is useless (just as others).

Did, but she dies really quickly, but that’s reason of her being 1* without red skill, today I should make her 2* and unlock her red skill, and tomorrow wakkatu should update as well, I will add her later.

And Disgust, pretty sure S tier. Just have problem with disk.


Ahh ok. For Disgust, I don’t have the disks but Sadness disk looks better bc she doesn’t basic attack much and her purple skill can be boosted by mods to make damage from Sadness disk pretty high

@Musketeer I’d like to file a complaint to your tier list! (Lol)

But seriously, what is BARB and GIZMO AT C just bc of Bunsen and Beaker!?

Barbossa: I don’t get why, sure he lost his unique SoC study but his white studies too and grants him a 400 attack speed buff. And he’s still got a 75% DOT boost and an every basic attack, 6 second, DOT. Don’t you think it’s a harsh just because of no start of combat study? Just use his Stitch disk and you want to put him down bc of that why not put down Max too? Barb should be at least a high A, right above Stitch.

Gizmo: OUTRAGEOUS! How does Bunsen and Beaker knock Gizmoduck that far!? And if Gizmo was there to start he NEEDS to be moved up to High A/S! Above Rap or Below Joy on S! Gizmo still gains armor upon team’s active skill! That a lot more than you think! Like why is JUDY above him!? And if it’s that armor cap that you put him down for, he steal a lot more armor with his Duke disk! And he can also steal from the enemy’s allies! So yeah, he is A/S material!


Barb: C -> A (>Stitch)
Gizmo: C -> A/S (>Rapunzel)

Additional complaint:

  • B&B I think shouldn’t even be on here due to not being in game yet. K**** is on Wakkatu but you didn’t put him on.
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Gizmo is not an A, let alone an S. He’s really only good for Invasion. :grimacing:

Barb belongs at C as well, since his only use case now has a hard counter.


Then by that logic every projectile thrower should be at tier B or less because of Goliath (Th), Bo, and Hook (Pe). Then EQ would have to be moved down a tier because of Mad Hatter :man_shrugging:


Har har. Barbossa hasn’t aged well, his only strengths are his start-of-combat study from his Tia disk and the 75% DoT buff which only applies to studied enemies. This gave him a brief reappearance in the meta, paired with Pleakley.

Since his purposes is solely for utility, you have to build a team around him unless you’re looking to waste a slot. But if you set that team as your defense, anyone with B&B’s purple maxed can completely unravel it. An argument could be made for using a Barb comp solely for offense, but building one team is expensive enough as it is, and it’d be extremely impractical.

So yeah, C looks good on him.


He’s got a 400% attack speed buff and every basic attack DOT.

Max studies at the start of the wave. He’s still at S

Naw, he ain’t S. Let alone A.

His only use is Study teams. And now beaker denies his use. C is his current position as of now.

Also Basil should be F tier.

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What about DOT teams? Along with Manticore?

Hmm…Lemme check is DOT…Solid!

But still, outside of Study and DOT teams, he’s semi useless.

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Slows with his Stitch disk?

400% attack speed means nothing if your attacks hit like a pillow. :no_mouth:

Max is at S because he has the highest health pool in the game, high damage, his white gives a huge SP buff/large BD buff/stacks of Hardy, he can dodge/stun the enemy frontline, he converts 80% of him and his allies’ Basic Damage to Reality, studied enemies deal 85% less damage to him, and you have the choice of either removing damage heroes’ buffs with his white or giving his allies a 150% buff to their BD.

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His DoT boost only affects Studied enemies.

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Perblue, why is Maximus like this???

That’s all I’m asking here.


If new heroes aren’t OP, there’s less motivation for people to spend money building them. :confused:

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