[Discussion] Raya and the Last Dragon

That still doesn’t make any sense… :expressionless:

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:man_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:t5:I think you’re still missing my point

So… @Ozi_swag your logic: Body > personality? :expressionless:

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You know, I’d actually be very interested to see a friend campaign where the two bond over being able to reach the top shelf… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

here my proof and evidence why

Same here It will be good

That’s true and all, but the point is it won’t really make for an interesting story.

But you just said that you want to see them in a camping trying to reach a shelf of anything

Your reasoning still doesn’t make sense… :neutral_face:

Like I said below :arrow_down:

That… was a joke lol

I guess it could be so uninteresting that it would be interesting :sweat_smile:

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Of course you’ll say that

Yeah you right let’s PM and Continue it from there

The fact thay Slinky and Sisu have long body cannot justify a good friendship. They have a major difference.

Slinky’s body can stretch. Sisu’s does not.


Dude some people in the game that are friends has nothing in common just take Mike and Jack Jack for example

Idc I still see it

I guess I have a reason…

Mike scares kids or make them laugh. Jack-Jack is a baby. So apparently, Mike can either scare him or make him laugh.

(It’s not about what’s in common. Sometimes it’s about what the other can do to the other.)


Well of course by using their skills

Use movie preference also.

Mike scares kids. (Or make them laugh.)

Jack-Jack is a kid.

It’s that simple to understand and analyze.

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U mean make kids laugh

Can both scare kids and make them laugh.

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