Disney Games News

Unfortunately the Ennui event doesn’t actually let you earn Ennui and the only way to unlock her is to pay for her.

So, not much of an Ennui event at all. Would not recommend.

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And it’s one of the WORST things in the whole game.

Just check the comments section.

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… Bruh, what?

For Ennui, of all characters?? (No disrespect intended; it’s just weird to me that Ennui is the character that they do this for instead of some super well-known character like Snow White or something.)

Glad I dropped Speedstorm tbh.


Yep, and Ennui doesn’t even have voice lines, and also is bugged. So yeah.

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Well don’t forget, this is Inside Out’s season. So it seems only fitting for Ennui to be a racer during it. I’m just surprise that Envy and Embarrsement weren’t invited to be racers or at the very least pit crew members.

Great, they made this game EVEN MORE pay-to-win than ever.
But seriously, why would you have to pay for Ennui of all characters instead of more well-known characters like Ariel or something?

Same. They expect people to spend like $30-50 to unlock her, and it doesn’t matter if you played a year, you still need to spend money. Because the event gives only 5 shards, and another 5 shards is available only in a very bad gacha box.

Looking at the player count, it started at 30k daily players and now is just at below 6k for galaxy devices, people are smart and run away from that game, and the result is this P2W event, which probably is just the beginning, there is no hope for that game, gameloft greed ruins it.
(And event cups had 10k players for Anxiety only, and seasonal cups only 30-50k, not that many players…)

And likely it is Ennui because she will be required next season, so they will punish everyone who didn’t spend. That game has no future… kinda glad, they don’t deserve money for such actions.


A new guardian has entered the Mirrorverse.

Daisy Duck
Fashionable Physician

Daisy Duck is waiting at home for Donald to pick her up for their date when she hears a panicked knock at her door. Along with her beloved Donald, she finds Goofy and Minnie on her stoop and all three are in a right tizzy! The gang lets Daisy known that Mickey is missing and they have to go find him! Off to the Mirrorverse Daisy goes!

A new chapter to the story has been added. The Gathering of the Guardians.

So she’s finally in Mirrorverse after a very long time.
Now when’s Jafar going to be playable?

Wow! It’s pretty.

Thank you so much!

Disney Speedstorm News. :newspaper:

“Golden Arbee Challenge”
After getting collection level 10 you can participate in this new kind of event. Where you are asked for racers over level 40 to get Epic Crew and Tons of upgrade coins in this ultimate challenge.

“Race of Emotions”

Not much to say here. It’s a event where you need to use all emotions at level 35 (YES EVEN ENNUI) to participate. (No, they don’t give any Ennui shards here)

“Star Chaser - Meg”

Because Olympics games we got Megara as spotlight racers get her Epic Crew and more Hercules crew (or her shards) in this event.

“An Emotional Decision”

The Inside Out part 2 tour is coming to a end. Race trough the final chapter and see if you can get enough medals to get the final reward.

That’s all for today. I’m Winterbotton reporting from the pits. See you next time.


Better to not give what gameloft wants, ‘‘bad publicity is still publicity’’.
Best to stop talking about that game, the less people talk about it, the less people will know it exists, then game will keep losing players and speedstorm will just close for good or gameloft will wake up and finally do some changes to improve it. DOUBT IT!

Well to be fair, bad publicity is what forced them to revert their last major controversial change with the golden pass (albeit not totally reverted but still).

Completely not. Soon after they released (very rashly) mobile to think they could get away with it.

Guys come on now. Flawed as it may be. Speedstorm is still a disney game. So, it’s in my obligation to give updates on it as they come up.

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No? If this topic wouldn’t exist none of this would happen.

Then come to the MLP game instead, if you’re REALLY that upset.

How that changes anything?

Attention players of Magic Kingdom.

Finding Nemo seagulls have been spotted invading. If you see one, shoo them away.


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