Disney Mirrorverse

Sorry to revive this topic, but dory and violet are confirmed for Mirrorverse

They are here…

I was surprised about both of them. It makes sense to put dory in a sub to fight, since fish can’t breathe in land, kinda like they put her in a coffee pot that hank was holding in finding dory and DHBM

Violet´s look is very odd.

It makes me the question of how will Marlin, Nemo or any Finding Nemo characters move on earth if they come as playable

The purple outfit doesn’t make sense to me. I understand the look they were going for, but I don’t think they pulled it off well.

Because her name is Violet :woozy_face:


And her shields are purple(violet, whatever you call it)

Holy Clownfish, Batman!

Here’s my concept design on how Gogo would look in “Disney Mirrorverse”

First Ability
Gogo can have 2 different forms thanks to her Power Sphere.
When Gogo is on her Power Sphere form, she gains a 30% Dmg Resistance from Basic/Heavy attacks from Melee and Tank enemies and a 20% Defense Buff.
When she is out of her Power Sphere form, she looses the other buffs and instead gains a 20% Focus buff and a 20% Attack buff and with a 20% Defense debuff.

Second/Special Ability
If Gogo is in her Power Sphere form, she explodes her Power Sphere, doing 600% Damage in an area around her, dealing a 20% Shock Damage every 1 second for 5 seconds and adquires a new form without it.
If you activate her special again while she isn’t in her Power Sphere form, she will regenerate her Power Sphere and gains 30% Armor and with a 50% Defense buff for 5 seconds.

Third/Signature Ability
When Gogo explodes her Power Sphere it has a 25%-100% chance of Stun the enemies.
When Gogo regenerates her Power Sphere it regenerates 5%-20% more armor


1st Basic Talent
Gains a 20% Attack Buff.

2nd Basic Talent
Gains a 20% Defense Buff.

1st Advanced Talent
If Gogo is out of her Power Sphere, gains a 20%-100% Movement Speed buff

2nd Advanced Talent
If Gogo it’s in her Power Sphere while she holds a Heavy attack she is Immune to knockbacks.

If Gogo it’s in her Power Sphere Heavy attacks have a 5%-20% to Stun the enemies.

3rd Advanced Talent
If Gogo eliminates an enemy while she is in her Power Sphere has a 50%-100% of getting a 10% Defense Buff. (5 Max stacks)

If Gogo eliminates an enemy while she is out of her Power Sphere has a 50%-100% of getting a 10% Focus Buff. (5 Max stacks)

Elite Talent
While in her Power Sphere Gogo recives an additional5%-20% Dmg Resistance and 5%-10% Defense Buff but she also gets an additional 15%-30% Attack Debuff.

While she is out of her Power Sphere recives an additional 5%-20% Focus Buff and 5%-10% Attack Buff but she also gets an additional 15%-30% Defense Debuff.



It looks like GOGO is coming to Mirrorverse

No… it’s nowhere confirmed.


That’s just a concept that I made. Hope it becomes popular enough

I didn’t read the abilities or anything like that, but that art is cool


I like the art of GoGO she looks good


Thank you for the compliment

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Thanks for the compliment

I would appear that another hero from Tron is entering the Mirrorverse. If you have the game, check your mailboxes.

I think it might be quorra or Kevin Flynn

Here's my next big question?

When is Jafar going to be playable!?!

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