Does the new power calculation method affect weekly challenge (6/10)?

I noticed that team power snapshotted in Arena is different from the newly-calculated one after update 2.0.10-A.

All game servers will be down briefly at 9:56 AM CT on June 10 to fix an issue with the hero power changes from update 2.0.10-A .

I compared two team power values using the exactly same heroes including their level, equipment, and so on (i set up Arena defence using only Wrech-it-Ralph heroes 3hours before server update because current weekly challenge The Bigger They Are… may become easier for players).

Team power snapshotted in Arena is 110,003. On the other hand, team power shown in campaign fight is 134,191.

Does the difference affect the weekly challenge, @Polaris?

I believe the arena power is just a display bug, and the actual power in battle is the correct (updated) one. The player just needs to ‘update’ their defence without actually changing anything and the new power should be displayed.

I thought too before I got the message from CS when I asked about snapshotted hero status…

And, how do we know the team power numeric used by server? I think we need info. from @Polaris.

The message from support is right in the case where something has actually changed about the hero - ie. adding & removing disks, mods etc - but things like levelling up skills, and improving disks & mods that are already equipped, should be reflected instantly in arena. This power adjustment falls under that bracket I think

… At least, I’m pretty sure that’s how it works :thinking:

I can understand you think so. The problem we want to solve is how to win the Arena battle against ^10,000^ pt higher powered defence. If defence team"s power numeric is as shown on the screen, the change of the power calculation done this time may work against players. If power numeric shown is not actually used by server internally (server may use the power calculated internally, which is not known by players), how do we choose oppnents in Arena to achive weekly challenge? I just want to know the way to try weekly challeng as before.

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